Sticks and Stones is essentially that.
Sticks and Stones is essentially that.
OMG please.
PewPew is awesome! You really can't beat a free Geometry Wars clone.
Most likely it's going to be a port of this, with (hopefully) cross platform MP support with PS3.
The Go is good if you know what you're getting into (I love mine). It's probably the most underrated handheld since the Dreamcast, and I'm being dead serious on that. Ueziel is playing the new one.
Eh, Metacritic is good when you want a quick rundown of quality. I don't take them seriously for anything beyond that. And you are correct on the software assessment. Look at 2010: we got a SOCOM title, a MGS title, a KH title, a VC title, and a GoW title. For any other system, that's a banner year. Since it's the…
A screw you to Kotick and a hype monster in one! Ladies and gentlemen, Respawn Entertainment! :D
That's another great example. But you have to admit, some part of the Play hype was made by Sony (the YouTube leaks, the early reviews, etc.)
I can imagine the delicious irony if it turns out this is all a Respawn prank for THEIR big announcement. Go West and Zampella!
I know your comment was sarcastic, but seriously, check out Metacritic's PSP rankings sometime. A ton of hidden gems are out there.
I would die for an NGP sequel. Too bad they're going FPS for Killzone NGP.
I'd rank it fourth, behind BBS, Peace Walker, and either Wipeout. Those are all great, console defining games though, so no shame.
In regards to the 4GB thing, most games are 500 MB to 2 GB. So not a whole lot of games can be fit onto 4 GB. I'd honestly just get a Go if you want to do mostly downloads. And tactics wise, I'm not too into that genre, although I did play FFT. Get that, VC2 and Tactics Ogre- haven't played it but I've heard nothing…
You, my friend, win.
It's Sony and the Xperia Play all over again.
I'd rebuy TP new (sold it, which I highly regret) if it was $20.
Same, man! Great intro to the series I had previously only heard about. Heckuva game.
Get Liberation, KH: BBS, and Peace Walker. There goes the next 100+ hours of your life.
LIberation for $10 is mandatory for all PSP owners. Try it- you'll be pleasantly surprised by the overhead view and strategic play. Easily one of the best 10 games on the system.
I actually didn't overly hate Bloodlines. If you downloaded it, lag was nonexistent, and the graphics were some of the best on PSP. Only problem for me was the length. IMO it's worth $20.