@Samakar It was on some interview a commenter posted a day after the redesign went live. I've Googled in vain. Here's an interesting article though: [www.dailyfrontrow.com]
@Samakar It was on some interview a commenter posted a day after the redesign went live. I've Googled in vain. Here's an interesting article though: [www.dailyfrontrow.com]
Where'd you find the Owen info out? And thanks. Hopefully mine was chosen for the column.
The hype is over the control pad, which is somewhat justified. No matter what Apple puts up in the App Store, they can't beat physically controlled games. If the Play was coming to T-Mo and was dual core, I would have given it a serious look.
I think it'll ship with Gingerbread. Sony will be killed by the techies if it doesn't. Besides, hasn't the Fascinate been like the most maligned phone ever? And Froyo is awesome (G2 user :D).
Same. I know he was active this week (he starred me) so it's a bit unusual he just left without saying anything. Maybe he complained about the redesign and Denton had him whacked :0.
@Natdude: Everyone's using it, and the Canadian site has the same content.
I'm not defending the device. I'm defending the coverage.
IF (big IF) Sony comes through with PS Suite, the Play will be closer to a "Playstation" experience. WP7 can't match having classics like RE and FF7 available officially on your phone, with full control support. And there is a minimum set of requirements for PS Suite devices (Tretton even said so).
@Grapthars-Hammer: I would've preferred T-Mo/AT&T as I favor both of those over Sprint and VZ.
@one_cool_unicorn: I think Gawker's listened a bit (hence the ca. site not being changed and little tweaks like that). That being said, there's no way Gawker goes back to the old layout. Denton has a huge amount of pride riding on the changes (and a bit of money if I'm not mistaken) so no way will the regular sites go…
@skitzogreg: I submitted a great Box Scores story and was looking forward to maybe having it published.
@madammina: As much as I would like to say that games are just like other media, the truth is, they aren't. Other media aren't so firmly based on interactivity and so leads to a fundamental difference. That being said, in regards to the desensitizing potential of games, I believe it's no more then TV or music. Let me…
If this thing was at least dual core, I'd be all over it. As it stands, I'll be getting some quad core action with the NGP instead.
@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: Because this is a PLAYSTATION PHONE (aka the pipe dream of every living gamer). Even if it's not what gamers dreamed about for years and years, it's still bloody close. Besides, while WP7 has Live integration, the Play has physical buttons + PSN support. I do think Nokia…
Oh yeah, I don't consider myself a pansy because I play easy mode sometimes. But others do which is the dumb thing. It's like the casual/hardcore divide. Everyone games, and deserves the same amount of respect no matter what or how they play.
There's no hate because a zombie map + 4 brand new maps is a much better deal then 3 new maps + 2 ports. I'll be getting these when they release, if only for Ascension.
Basically this. If I get stuck on something, I'll probably never go back to it. I want to have fun, not scream.
It really just depends on Nintendo. Remember, they had Camelot working on sports games for 5 years when they could've been doing Golden Sun. Ninty might shift them over to a new IP or something casual.
I had a bit of fun with Quake Live, but the skill level gap made it not worth my while in the long run. Plus, it was laggy.
Yeah, during the first mission, the game glitches on me. This is why browser based normally fails.