I’m sure there’s at least 34 guides on how this could possibly happen. Probably more.
I’m sure there’s at least 34 guides on how this could possibly happen. Probably more.
But yeah, they do seem to have an wxtra 1000 enployees just faffing about.
They’re traitors to the Horde, they deserve what’s coming to them!
Yes, I saw that. My comment is towards the ‘...but Discord doesn’t want partners to have them...’ part of the report. The behavior is typical of a startup that’s either been bought, or is looking to get bought.
So, is Discord still a startup, or did they get bought out by a corporation? Would explain the shift from allowing anything risky. Gotta clean things up for the new corporate overlords.
You kinda do have to admire WaterOnMars, just a wee bit, for how effectively he’s moving the goalposts, don’t you?
Or Hitman: Sniper Challenge, the one that came with Hitman: Absolution?
He’s gonna have his mind blown when he finds out that the video game industry has a ratings system all ready to go, so soon after he suggested it! /s
Well, if he doesn’t agree to Twitch’s TOS, then Twitch doesn’t have to let him on the platform, do they?
Because the general population would lose their shit if they knew that in reality they had a 1% chance to get the thing they wanted.
It’s like this. Let’s say you have a 1% chance at an Exotic when rewards are determined. With 3oC’s 50% increase to the base chance that means you have an additional .5% chance at an Exotic when rewards are determined. So 1.5% chance at Exotic rewards based on this napkin math.
Until they just block all VPNs.
Well, look at it this way:
The one thing I’ve noticed in this thread is that none of the other side realizes that people were carrying this shit onto planes well before 9/11, too. They either got caught by the security screening we had before hand, or they didn’t and they went about their lives.
If I had to guess the actual fix for this requires some client-side changes, which means it needs to go through Sony/Microsoft for vetting. Whereas adjusting Xur’s sales is likely a server-side change, which they can do without asking for permission.
Lazy people, or gov’t/corp not paying a decent living wage to entice people to take the job?
Yup. Gotta pay out that CEO’s golden parachute.
Nobody wants to sympathize with EA, etc., and nobody wants microtransactions. But some of us are more willing to look at the why and come up with suitable alternatives rather than call the very notion “fucked up shit” and end the conversation before it starts.
Is this the version where you’ve got the bosses that’ll take 48 hours (real, honest to god hours) to kill?