
I blame the fanbase for spending all of D1 raging about the grind and things taking too long. People could never admit they liked the grind. Now they took it away and people are realizing how necessary it was to have stuff that’s truly difficult and time consuming to get.

Maybe those are considered to be part of the base game nowadays?

At worse, what happens is that EA and Blizzard no longer allow anyone from Belgium to play.

I have the feeling that this will never actually happen.

Okay, I’m only half way through the video, but someone needs to cut those guys to make sure they bleed human blood and not motor oil or antifreeze.

So let me get this straight.... people complained about version A of the thing, so they changed it to version B.

Eeeeeh. Games that lock the “true” ending behind some form of in-game achievement isn’t anything new. Arkham Knight’s certainly not the first.

Does it give you a preview option? Most games with lockboxes will preview the contents somewhere, which would give you a good idea.

Yeah, but “back in the day” you got them by playing the game, not by cracking your pocket book.

You’re also in the preview window. This may just be me being a horribly cynical person, but I wouldn’t put it past a company like WBI to turn the “free stuff” flow way down once the game goes live.

Bungie just needs to add more worthwhile content in there, and it’ll come in time.

Very few corporations nowadays are willing to play the long game. CEOs are beholden to shareholders, not the employees or the public, and shareholders only care about making the most money right this second. CEOs don’t care to fight it because they’re going to get a golden parachute whether or not the company tanks in

“It’s a terrible day for rain.”

Funny thing was that you could do PS2/PS3->PC->Xbox360 cross-platform play for FFXI, way back in the day.

After all this, the only bigger punchline I can see is The Judge losing control of ALL OF THE LOOT, getting booted from the Other Side (whatever it is.. goonswarm? goonsquad? Imperium?), and getting left with nothing to his name after such an epic betrayal.

So much this. All these web2.0 “enterpreneurs” think they can make it rich with Uber or Lyft or Youtube or whatever, not realizing that they’re the product being sold.

If they are making content that is so compelling, why don’t they start their own service, instead of relying on Youtube? Cut out the middle man, post up whatever you want and don’t have to worry about Youtube’s weird ass inconsistent flagging system.


Five hours gametime (timer only counts down when playing), five hours realtime (counter starts counting from the first time you start) or some arbitrarily storyline cutoff after what Ubi considers “five hours”?

This kind of thing is why I have no problem pirating 30 year old ROMs.