The restaurant owner can fuck off. I’ve gotten requests to take down reviews for places (not just restaurants). Some get threatening even. If it gets to that point I just tell them to come find me and my gun collection at their convenience.
The restaurant owner can fuck off. I’ve gotten requests to take down reviews for places (not just restaurants). Some get threatening even. If it gets to that point I just tell them to come find me and my gun collection at their convenience.
If all of those services suddenly disappeared it won’t matter. Hell the “giggers” will probably be better off finding different employment. Maybe some day they’ll realize that the gig economy is good only for the large corporations running it, not the little squirrel monkeys that do their bidding.
Position based in NY. Salary: Make sure you have your mom’s basement to crash in, or have 5 roommates in a 1 bedroom apartment.
Just use their phone app. It’s easy and gives you all the options for whatever airport you happen to currently be in (or going to).
Needs more stars!
Unless your house/condo has an insta-hot-water at the tap - that warm water feature is complete bullshit. Unless you’re washing your ass for 3+ minutes, by the time the ambient temperature water in the pipe that’s hitting your butthole is replaced with the hot water coming from the water heater - it’ll be Christmas.
Unless your house/condo has an insta-hot-water at the tap - that warm water feature is complete bullshit. Unless…
It’s basically the same shit as some companies I’ve been involved with have “work 10%/20% less time for 10/20% less money”. I never did this, but lots of acquaintances did and you end up doing the same amount of work, jammed in 20% less time with 20% less pay.
This “worry” gets squarely put on the list of “things only 5 people on this planet give a fuck about”.
Lots of truth. And the perfect example of an abusive relationship. Just as so many women stay with men who beat the shit out of them, simply because they can’t comprehend a way out and because “it’s their fault” for being beatup, or because the man holds the money. Sounds familiar yeah?
It’s not the end of the world. Europe needs the UK, and the UK needs Europe. They will work something out. EU or not EU. It’s just a bunch of posturing on both sides and dick waving with the grand goal of not letting the UK leave, because if that actually does happen there will be at least 2-3 other countries doing a…
Adam, I’m sorry but you’re dumb and your clickbait is just that. If you expect to manhandle a phone with zero protection this shit will happen. Doesn’t matter if you spent $50 on a phone or $1500. Hell, I BABY (and I mean BABY!!!) my electronics and I still put a case and a glass protector.
Bah who needs science! We just need a wall! That solves ALL of our problems! All of them! Those EPA folks? Ehh let’s just send them to a labor camp so they stay quiet.
It’s basically the equivalent of ESTA. Europeans can’t just enter the US without doing jack-shit either. This is basically what we do to them, they do to us. What I’m surprised with is that it took them so damn long (pretty much all visa relations are done on reciprocity basis).
If they’re anti vaxxers send them the full bill. Garnish wages if you have to. Make *them* pay and suffer.
Look I am generally very much anti AI in these regards because soon there will be millions of people more without a job. I do try to avoid robo order takers and self checkouts. I do want people to be able to get a minimum wage job even if they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed, and jobs like order taking and…
People who are on tight budgets should not be buying 30K vehicles. Period.
Order a coke, tea, coffee, juice. Tell them you don’t drink. If it’s a first/second date and you don’t want to talk about it - tell them “let’s leave this topic for later, what do you think about xyz...”.
Came here for the advice of “dump the contents of glitter bottle in their room, and tell them to clean it up while they sulk”. Leaving disappointed.
And you just want to tell people what to do? If you’re equating the black plague with tickling a child you should share whatever drugs you’re using, cause it must be some good shit!