
Ehh “sexist” or not women look amazing within certain parameters of musculature. If you go into the female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger it just looks “wrong”, and like you belong in some movie about Mars where you’re wrestling 1-on-1 with giant aliens.

Trump is not going far enough. We need cars to be powered by coal! The trunk space needs to be reclaimed as coal storage, and you MUST have a passenger alongside the drivers whose job is to shovel coal into the furnace to keep the car stoked and going! Fuck yeah!

Amateur! I’m raising a Vegan one who’s allergic to quinoa, tofu, and anything with green leaves.

Yes, but how would filthy rich silicon valley people become even richer and buy more yachts? I mean you totally missed that in your analysis.

For most people college is pointless. Shit it was probably mostly pointless for me as well as I’m grasping at straws to come up with items I specifically learned in college/university in a decade and not learned by simply working.

Welcome to 500 years ago (or whatever)? Southwest has been doing this for as long as I can remember. You know for someone who writes on a website that has “news” in its name, perhaps try to keep it to items that are you know “news”. Not something that 4 people don’t know and you’re one of them.

No. I want ESPN to cost less, and games to cost less, and the food at the stadium/ballpark/arena to cost less, so that supporters of the sports can enjoy these more.

She’s not wrong, but it’s the same stuff with NBA vs WNBA, or Softball vs Baseball, Rugby, whatever. It’s traditional and heavily ingrained that team sports are mostly played by men, and men watch them. Is this the sexist part? Maybe, but it’s just what has been happening all this time. You can’t just move notions and


You can be nice about it once. Twice if there’s a track record that the people are (were) good people.

We already know each other. We try to grab Happy Hour every month or two. Nice guy. He’s promised some lube for my pitchfork so I guess I’m ok.

You applied and so did 50000 other people - you get zero response = totally normal.

Counterpoint: The ICE hotline for reporting illegal immigrants is

Now playing

The thing is that even if you’re a Trump supporter the American parade looked like a middle school production with funds collected from a terrible bake sale when you compare it to the Russian parade last year.

<<<—- me, in every single work related meeting ever.

What is the most politically incorrect phrase to say something like “dick measuring contest” when talking about women’s teams?

I tried, but somehow I doubt I’ll be able to make myself “be born in a filthy rich family”. Sooo it doesn’t work.

As someone who’s organized camps - this is good stuff!

The older you get, the faster it goes. And it almost seems exponential and not linear.