The merry irony in all of this is that the very committee that the Republicans started in order to derail Hillary’s campaign will, in the end, serve exactly the opposite purpose.
The merry irony in all of this is that the very committee that the Republicans started in order to derail Hillary’s campaign will, in the end, serve exactly the opposite purpose.
Bumgarner is a big ol’ hoss. It’s too bad the Giants are going to miss the playoffs, because I love watching that guy pitch in big games.
True or false, it doesn’t change the fact that the nanny in question is stunning.
Not really. In the original commercial, it’s an accident when the unsuspecting husband can’t hold his airborne wife. In the Cavs’ version, the boyfriend sees the Bulls’ shirt and tosses his girlfriend into the table. Then they make up only after she agrees to root for the Cavs.
What's better than a Llama Chase? A Sexy Llama Chase!
This is like that Giants-Cardinals Monday Night game back in 1983 — no winners here.
It's a cool idea — who doesn't love free stuff? — but his grading system makes him come off like a douche. In fact, the whole grading system is a bad idea. Why not just show what the teams sent, and let everyone else decide what's good or not?
But it's the Mets. Most days, standing in line will be the best part of the game.
Good for baseball. I'd much rather see a short delay and the correct call made than have to go to extra innings and keep seeing a replay of Marte beating the tag for the rest of the night.
ESPN controls the topics that are of the most financial interest to them. That's why you can't get away from the NFL on ESPN, either. They pay big money for NFL rights so to them, there's never a good time to NOT talk about the NFL. Same with the Knicks — even when they're lousy, they're still the Knicks and a lot…
This could actually hurt McConnell. Redneck white trash will buy a lot of the GOP nonsense, but you better not mess with their Wildcats.
I call bullshit on NFL on those unnamed NFL GMs, coaches and executives: they are, for the most part, old white men who, more than others, are intolerant towards gays. The players in NFL locker rooms are recent college students — the very people most accepting of gays. Yes, it's still football and that sport does…
That collective sigh of relief you just heard emanated from the NFL, who are relieved that no one will be talking about that shit-show of a Super Bowl anymore...
Please someone tell me what movie was written by Chris Rock with help from Tina Fey and Louis CK!!!
So, the obvious tasteless joke that they were driving 2 fast?
Chris Kluwe sounds like a stand-up guy, and I don't doubt that Coach Priefer said everything noted here and more. Priefer is certainly a homophobic bigot, and should rot in hell. That said, Kluwe has a tough case to make. If you have talent, you will play, regardless of how much controversy you create. After all,…
Isn't it time to fire Brian Cashman yet? This deal is ridiculous on just about every level. Grossly overpay for a player the Red Sox no longer want and sign him to a position where you already have a far cheaper and nearly equivalent alternative.
Is this the part where the NRA reminds us that guns don't kill people, but rather people kill people?
No "Stay classy, Boise"?
Gosh, Ubie, if you're going to throw at someone in an exhibition game, you may want to make sure the Commissioner isn't sitting in the stands. Yipes.