Stanovan Benchiano

I’m so glad you’re upset :)


Imagine killing your baby and still hating it enough to name it Journey Moon.

My brain is not smart enough to wrap itself around “mining” something that isn’t real.  I just don’t see how a computer doing calculations = you have money now

What kind of an adult is so worried about “fanboys”?

Okay, bye :)

Consumers are really terrible at being consumers.

I’m always fascinated by how much people can GIVE A SHIT about sports.

That’s a stupid thing to look forward to.

Pizza and beer. Two things that people have unreasonably strong opinions on.

The thing is: it’s not our problem if their job is hard. That should be their problem.

They’re not gonna Yooka-Laylee this, right?

People who say “ness” and especially “sness” are not my people and are gross.

I seriously can’t believe he still works here.

Wow. This game really does look different on a not-Switch.

I severely don’t care about sports but I find myself on Deadspin all the time because holy crap sports has drama. Sports has drama.

Beer snobs are in the same category as people who obsess over people’s handshakes for me.

What the hell? Did you just start making up works for a bit there?

Definitely need to shower after looking at the first picture.

Skyward Sword used gyro aiming rather than IR, I believe. No idea why.