Stanovan Benchiano

I have. Are you comfortable with your choice of septuagenarians? Because that is the position we are in now, and that is what this all ignores. Go Boomers., white people shouldn’t criticize other white people? 

If I’m being honest, I have a hard time seeing the good. I don’t think I’ve looked at a picture of Kobe Bryant in the last 15 years without my first thought being “rapist.” Lots of men move on and forget. Women, particularly those who have been subjected to sexual violence at the hands of men, don’t necessarily just

I’m not sure “insidious” is a useful term here. 

Oh, come on, the combat is also a lot of fun. I mean, it grows tired fast because there is no reason to keep doing it, but, you know, I had fun going through the very mediocre campaign and playing a little endgame content before I tired of the four endgame missions that exist...

I feel the opposite; the one handed play is perfect for quick playing. If it were landscape, I wouldn’t play. The alert when someone is behind you works for me. 

Manning’s about the only one in that trifecta of fuckery worthy of any kind of respect. She fucked with OPSEC something serious, and definitely violated her oath of service to the military, but at least she had the courage of her convictions required to face the consequences of her actions.

Snowden leaked his info to

It is possible to trash talk without being racist.

Trash talk always puts me off in every context, which is why I don’t enjoy competitive gaming in most contexts (local multiplayer Smash and Kart are basically as far as I ever go, and even those sessions are rare). I just don’t understand that instinct at all. But that’s probably because I have too much empathy. I

Read the last 11 words a little more carefully. 

I think the USWNT should send Hope Solo to the White House as the team’s representative.  She’d probably knock some sense into that orange goblin.

I don’t really have any patience for this right now. Every single candidate on the Dem side, including freaking Tulsi Gabbard, is an incalculable improvement over Trump, who’s not only the worst president in US history but one of the worst leaders of a country in, at least, modern history. We can get back to our usual

I’m wailing at the top of my lungs over the dumbass mistake in the original headline.

Would it even surprise you a little bit if Bungie resused assets? They do it all the time. Hell, they’ve given us most of the exotic armory from Destiny 1 FFS. They don’t seem keen on making new stuff.

But seriously, how can you tho? You’re surely old enough to remember the infamous baby dangling incident.


Old rich men are the the root of 99% of the worlds problems.

Ageism solves everything!