Olives, in general, can fuck off and die.
Olives, in general, can fuck off and die.
You're either trolling or you suck at life. Either way, things aren't working out for you.
Ehhhhhhh, the south basically deserves it. Just be happy that you're not one of the "normals" down there.
I would think that if an abortion is an elective procedure (and not a "one of us is going to die" situation) that an insurance company would be less likely to pay the cost of something so that's not entirely surprising.
I'm sure you know, but I have to say: Your mother sucks and is an asshole.
I hope the conductor dies painfully :)
She's a miserable, disgusting shrew and, while I don't wish her harm, I certainly wish her no measurable happiness.
I think that about weddings in general. They're supposedly super-special to people but they're all pretty much carbon-copies of each other adjusted for income/wealth status.
I don't know. But probably.
There was a poster here that was named "Parah Salin" and it didn't occur to me for ages that: derp, that isn't just the first letters of her names switched...it also sounds like the word parasailing!
He'll always be the annoying guy who I think has a big package that works on the shit show that took over All My Children's time slot.
Tell them that instead of telling us. We know what stupid assholes they are, they obviously don't. Think of it as god's work.
This guy is maddening. He takes so much shit.
Haha, good.
Sorry? That sounds like a blessing.
What a dickhead. Hopefully she has since died.
But this comment helps because it's...oh wait, it's about the same bullshit. Good work.
Nevermind, skimmed instead of read.
The way that Nicole Wallace got all kinds of pissy when the email issue came up on The View made me realize how genuinely scared Republicans are of her.
I lost a shitload of weight in college at one point and the cattiness from some of the gay guys I knew was amazing, in the worst way.