Stanovan Benchiano

There's something very satisfying about someone whining about "pussy-politcallycorrect-ish" things and the like because I get to see a little bit of your pain. You pain that you can't go around saying anything you want without consequences. Feels good to know you and people like you are so haunted by it.

It's kinda nice to read about how other countries have racist shitheads. Makes me feel slightly less awful about all of the ones we have around here.

The guy who threw the kids away has a wrong body. His face just needs a smaller frame attached to it. It's weird.

I also had similar issues with and Flo Rida

Fun fact, it took me something like 17 years to realize that High Morris = humorous

I kinda wish it was.

Or this is fake.

Tiny nipple syndrome.

Yes, the props! Which means cleaning. At least there's two broads to split the cleaning, though.

Their dad has the worst hair in the history of hair #truthfact

Eh, I keed. I'm actually a gay guy who knows nothing about women except that I tend to prefer their platonic companionship to men.

She lost me when she went full-douche at the end. Gross.

I just feel like vaginas aren't worth the trouble. Such WORK.

That's true. Those poor people.

Yeah big is his dick?

Just go full-lesbian. Guys are shitty.

Can we be friends?

Prudes are everywhere, always hating fun. Always.

I'm a proud gossip queen. I LOVE TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE'S SHIT.

I'm still team ass-shave. It's hair that gets literally shit on regularly...sometimes it's good to refresh.