It's not anger. It's just "fuck off, prude"
It's not anger. It's just "fuck off, prude"
Don't be an asshole.
Fuck off, prude.
Fuck being a woman. No way. Nope.
You the fuck cares. You came to a video game comment section to bitch at people talking about video games. #byebitch
Does it feel mean to anyone else to force these dogs to run past all of the things they want in life for the amusement of a bunch of humans who, by the way, need a fucking better hobby?
Deniz can also fuck off and die. And he can take Jim with him.
I hope Ed dies. I don't need people like that breathing my air.
I hope she dies. She'll never get any better so she can just get the fuck off my planet.
I'd laugh if someone found a cut-off vagina on his or her porch, too.
It's so fucking hot how he opens her legs with his.
What is it about prudes that makes them want to force everyone else to live by their prudish rules?
It would be hilarious if it didn't work so well.
Don't lie. You were definitely trying to be a dick.
We need a recall election around here. Who voted for this judge? TERRIBLE shade judging. Terrible.
I'd fuck him.
No one gives a shit about kids. GTFO.
I miss when my dogs were puppies. At least I could blame the shit all over my house on them just being puppies.
This ugly fuck is one of the most genuinely unlikable people I've ever been aware of. I just really wish him discomfort. Not death or even pain, just a lot of prolonged discomfort.
My eyes glazed over during I remember. Thanks!