Stanovan Benchiano

That's a good explanation that was probably given in-game and I'm completely missed it.

We do. Change the language in settings.

But we don't want them to get rid of their accents in this instance. We'd WANT their accents.

I knew about all of the previous games, but I thought this one was another one like Liberation which *was* (I believe) supposed to be a consumer product.

One thing that hit me yesterday that I couldn't understand is: Why would Abstergo (basically just the Templars) make video games about the Assassin's and Templars? Wouldn't they want to keep their ancient secret society a secret?

Okie dokie, bye dear.

so don't read and comment

Ironically, she actually already had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

I know that when I don't care what someone thinks, I make it a point to type out a response and send it to that person. So they know I don't care. Snookums :)

I love how smug you tried to be. You missed a word, though. Spectacular smugfail.

I wish they'd keep the names intact. These people need shaming.

You don't know how opinions work. I can have one. You just don't have to give a shit about it.

It's just that it's such a known thing at this point that it's tough to shade with it.

I really love that this happened to Lorde. I don't dislike her, it just makes her much more interesting.

Perhaps she'll die.

See also: "basic"

It's transparent, though, to the point that it's not passive-aggressive anymore.

I love it when the topic of children comes up. I hate the fucking things and have no qualms about sharing that fact. People with children? A LOT of them get offended at the thought that someone might not like their child(ren) and will lose their shit about it in reply. Fun times had by all.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to do's the expectation that bugs me :-/

I feel so bad for women with regard to makeup. No one should be expected to paint his or herself to be considered attractive/acceptable.