Stanovan Benchiano


I'm still bothered by an example in a previous edition of Shade Court. The "you drive with purpose" example. I just can't fathom a way in which that qualifies as shade. It's still bothering me. Help.

It's almost good enough to balance out that horrid "we're pretending to be on acid because we're SO FUNNY DONTYOUGETIT" shite they tried.

Oh my christ stop. Not everything is fucking racist. CHRIST.

I completely forgot about that stage diving thing. What an idiot he was.

Eh, just teasing you. I got weirdly excited that that one game might be set in Boston earlier today.

Yikes, you really give a shit about this. For some reason.

Even with a shady delivery, I can't see how the driving example would be considered shade.

No. Please no. I don't like her enough for a full show. Please no.

YES! It lasts way too fucking long!

Vaginas have two looks: inoffensive and horribly ugly. Guess which column hers falls into.

Ugh, I still need to try this fucker. Still haven't raided.

And since only women can be victims of sexual assault/rape then...

Can we just be happy that someone is trying to do something? Do we have to get pissy even when someone's heart is in the right place? What the fuck? People are exhausting.

I read the living shit out of this series and The Fear Street Saga until one day I realized that every book had mostly female characters. And then I realized I had been reading girl books.

Other languages are funny. They really think they're saying actual words. It's cute.

He's also a supreme homophobe and he doesn't think very highly of women.

They better keep this fucker light years away from the new Twin Peaks stuff. How's Annie? DEAD.

Destiny never really has its own problems. There have been issues with PSN (fucking constantly) that affected it, but I don't really remember ever having a hard time playing or connecting to Destiny.

Chic, c'est la vie is such a fun song. I like Countess Luann's music more than I should.