Stanovan Benchiano

I actually like the post, I just find it out-of-place.

Let's wipe misogyny from the planet by making detailed posts about gossip magazines.

I read it like the server was being an asshole. As an asshole, I tend to expect it from others. Nevermind :)

Your server sounds like a dickhead.

I think you need to not work with people. Ever.

I do love it when gawker tries to give advice. I come here because the comments are sometimes funny and some of the staff are fun to hate, not to learn how to be a pretentious fuck. I can do that just fine on my own.

What a nasty cunt you are.

Fucking gross.

But he's the man.

We both are, dear. We both are.

You seem like you'd be a hoot at parties.

Ew, that's a remix.

Ha, women.

That sounds like kind of a sad hobby :(

You're the worst. The actual worst.

Two things struck me as crazy while I was reading this:

"the Israeli government has invested MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of American tax dollars in the Iron Dome"

You're either an expert troll, or an awful cunt.

Are you always this insufferable?

Don't do that. Don't use the word cat like that. Stop it.