Stanovan Benchiano

Do you whine about anything other than "liberals" or are you a myopic whiner with a sole beef?

This is one of the most Jezebel responses I've ever read.

The problem with the kids is that I fear that it's too late for them...nothing I've seen makes me think they're raising nice people but, having only seen edited reality show footage, I realize I probably don't know everything.

Apollo should have gotten almost double the eight year sentence. His fancy lawyer and snitching got him a HUGE break.

This one time, a ghost came up to me in my house and said "where's the beef"

Yes. Yes we are. He sounds awful.

Damaged people exist EVERYWHERE.

You. Your name. This comment. I like you.

I find that I can't quite finish until the porp sound.

Really? Fuck off.

They gave almost no reason for anyone to buy one right now. "2015" was the main theme of their entire conference. I have a Wii U and enjoy it but I'm under no delusion that Nintendo is doing ANYTHING to convince people to buy one right now.

nice size but too dark for me

Good lord. So uncouth. Your parents should be ashamed.

I get that you're pissed, and that's great. Thing is: I'll buy one. And enjoy it. And enjoy you not enjoying me enjoying it.

You can't help yourself, babe. And I love you for it.

Have a blessed day, cunt :)

Trying? Hunny, you've replied to every one of my comments. It's not trying anymore when it works so well :)

You missed an apostrophe and a capital letter in that attempt at being snide. You poor thing, you can't even do that well.

Of course it's voluntary. It's shitty to not tip, but it's still voluntary. Also: fuck off, cunt.

Of course. Having worked in a restaurant, I know that and I would never not tip. But not tipping does not constitute a good reason for a manager to follow someone outside to badger them about it.