Is that a gateless crossing? The lights are flashing and I can hear the signal sounding.
Is that a gateless crossing? The lights are flashing and I can hear the signal sounding.
Let’s all take a moment to stop and appreciate the brilliance of the driver here.
Chris who?
As someone who daily-drives and auto-crosses the xD, built on the Yaris platform, can confirm fun-ness.
Right, but the problem is nearly every small car out there is even better. The Yaris was wobbly and took forever to build up enough speed to maybe be fun, not to mention the interior felt like it was from a 1995 Cavalier. I’d much rather have a Fiesta or Focus to throw around, they handle so much better than the…
When I still had mine, I had to share with my non-manual-driving family.
The Yaris is an amazingly fun little commuter car. Not much power, but it can handle really well. And repairing it is dirt cheap.
The motors have a huge tuned exhaust on them and extremely aggressive induction/exhaust timing. They have an extremely peaky power band (maybe +/- 1000 at 35000 revs) and can’t easily get there without a ‘push’ from the driver.
with all the money being spent on this big government we can’t afford some snow tires? If Trump were president we’d have tremendous snow tires and he’d make the Canadian’s pay for them!
You would be incorrect. Those things really light, and the wheels are in a fixed position. If he pulls on the line at all, it’s going to yank the car off-line into the middle of the circle, or tip it over onto its side. He’s keeping tension on the line, so it doesn’t get snagged on the grass, which would cause a very…
I can’t stop thinking what will happen if he trips himself instead of getting onto that platform in time.
I think the wire is there to keep the car on the course.
And the guy is just holding the wire up to keep it off the ground at the start.
Wow. That was written incredibly well with a level of presentation that really made it shine. That was radical and an inspiration to contribute!
Although the livers and lungs of most serious Harley riders would end up in the garbage.
Their money, time, car and real estate - I see nothing wrong with it if they’re having fun. I too wish to someday wake up and be able to powerslide my beater Ferrari F40 around my personal acreage.
Have you....ever seen gazelles? They seem to be pretty much giving animals their natural physique.
I don’t mind if my second or third car, which happens to be a sports car is “toyish”. It’s a toy. So, I’m cool with that.
I do long random drives but I guess I don’t do so many road trips.
You ignore Rule #1 just like so many others...