
We will agree to disagree, then :)

That is absolutely NOT too long-winded. At all.

Fine. Then just, “YOUR VEHICLE IS TOO TALL.” That’s plenty short enough given the situation. The point is it needs to be something that sounds specific to one person, and not generic. The current verbiage just seems like generic verbiage that they decided to turn into a flashing sign, but “probably doesn’t apply to me

Meh. I can see the argument. What if it just illuminates every time any taller vehicle comes through? It would make more sense if it said something like, “YOUR VEHICLE IS TOO TALL. MUST TURN.”

Seems pretty dumb to haul an entire fan boat around just in the event that they happen to run out of gas. They probably could have made it to the gas station if they hadn’t been hauling a fan boat around to begin with. Dummies.

I am not taking your bait, lol.

I dunno. I’ve driven a Forester, and I didn’t have any complaints. In fact I remember being impressed that it actually cornered rather well. It was an XT, though. My friend also likes the Forester XT his parents have.

And both of us drive BRZs, so it’s not like we don’t know what good handling is, lol.

When did you drive it, and what model/year was it?

Thats almost as bad as the spider. Almost.

I wouldn’t really recommend it for several reasons:

1. Small is good in terms of number of passengers, sure, but it’s also much less useful for things like moving to college, buying new things at college, moving out of the dorm and into an apartment in college, etc... Don’t get me wrong, the BRZ has a surprising amount

I hope you wake up tomorrow and your underwear looks like that.

You need help.

I had a similar experience to that too. Cruising down the highway, and a wasp got partially sucked into the window, hit the b-pillar head-on, and bounced into my lap. Freaked me out for a moment until I realized it had died from the impact. Or so I thought... until about 15 seconds later it started moving around. *cue

Fuck. You.

I really hate spiders.

But you tell me if that’s not the worst possible driving scenario you can imagine in your head.

I drove a hand-me-down 1998 Subaru Outback for the first 8 years of my driving life. A car with 280,000 miles. That poor thing did everything I asked of it - even autocross. When I turned 24, I finally got myself a brand new BRZ. You’d think, as a car nut, that I would say, “Boy! I wish I could have had the BRZ from

I’m from NJ... but nope. Illinois.

I was 24 when I was shopping for a new BRZ. The first dealership I went to was so frustratingly uninterested in selling me one, it was almost comical. The salesman (some 60-year-old guy) had the worst attitude. The “test drive” consisted of a loop around the square block where I never exceeded 25 MPH, and which only

So much this. I could barely hear my own horn when I honked it on the highway, lol... and my BRZ has, like, no sound deadening.