
Has everybody already forgotten this article?

Maybe "2X" is just algebra, as in "for small values of X", or "where X is in the range [0.5,1]".

Maybe we have an alternate (or additional) explanation for cosmic gamma ray bursts - aliens are coming to visit, oh my!

It occured to me that rather than try to make the moon travel interstellar distances, maybe they'll have the people and moon base travel between realities... it'll be like "Sliders In Space" (obligatory echo-ie voice a la "Pigs in Space").

If I recall, the response was "We were going to announce it on Tuesday". Time to pull out the DVD again, I guess.

I was thinking Bill Nye the Science Guy

I remember reading about self-cooling cans back around ~1987 in PopSci.

Normally I'd write off a show centered around time travelling, but maybe if they started with an alternate reality that was really screwed up, and work it such that by the time the series finale comes around, they changed enough things to end up with our current reality. From a business point of view, it would be

I think the point is the government is lowballing the real cost for the F-35. How can they say it'll only cost us $16 billion for 65 planes, when Norway, another JSF partner, is expecting it to cost $40 billion for 50 planes. (All costs quoted are for estimated total lifetime operational costs, not simply

I seem to remember that the other 90% of our brain is overhead for the operating system.

But then you'd have a polite way of telling people to go away "Think outside the box!"

Somebody is going to drill a small hole into the tread, fill it with that emergency tire repair gunk and completely throw the centre of balance of these things, causing them to self-destruct or make the car become completely uncontrollable.

I think a level belongs in there, preferably one with a laser so that you can hang pictures at a consistent height. You might get lucky with just a measuring tape when putting holes in the wall to hang those new shelves, but I bet they'll never hold a bunch of marbles without first putting the marbles in a jar.

Don't get me wrong - I'll pick up my Canon 60D before anything else, given the choice, but I don't carry it around all day long. Hell, I'll pick up my old Canon A620 rather than use the camera phone. But, when I don't have either of them handy, my Android smartphone camera is the best camera I have.

As my cousin, a former pro photographer, says: The best camera is the one you have with you.

Maybe somebody needed to build an interstellar bypass. We should check the plans on Alpha Centauri.

Gizmodo, just just finished declaring the AudioEngine A5+ as your favs for 2011, and now you're pushing this already? Change your mind much?

Why don't the guardians who are trying to protect the timeline just kill the guy who invented the time machine?

I also kind of preferred the original theme song as well... cool jazz doesn't get much of a chance on TV.

Surprised nobody mentioned Magnum's Ferrari 308.