
Is it wrong that I'd like to see Bill Cosby do a cameo on Noah's Ark?

It's been a very long time....

This is where you create a new web page, answering the question with "Buy him a Corvette with a car seat in the back" and pay Google to promote the link for this search.

You might want to be worried about the cost of Helium, with cost of the gas having more than doubled in the last 10 years (according to Wikipedia []).

It may not have been the fridge he was really trying to move, but the beer inside of it.

Let's work Andrew Robinson in there to extend the DS9 tangent, but get him into a running gunfight with Captain Jack so that we can end it with a "so are you feeling lucky, punk?" speech to bridge it into Dirty Harry territory and then the absurdity will be complete!

For people who think baseball is slow "Now the wind-up, and the pitch".

No deep see diving or cave exploring for you, mister light-powered pacemaker carrying dude.

Somebody in an parallel universe is getting right pissed at us dropping out of control planes in their laps.

'Heyyyyyy': Number of y's relates to how much I want to come to your place for a booty call.

Reminds me of the '24' rule for drinking and pilots: In North America, it's no drinking within 24 hours. In Russia, it's no drinking within 24 feet. :-)

Sorry, but Joe Clark's minority government fell to a non-confidence vote back in 1980.

Shouldn't we just call 'cloud export' rain?

Environmentalists that argue that traditional wind turbines are harmful to birds will call this solution a veritable meat grinder.

How new users supposed to know the little diskette symbol means 'save' when laptops/tablets and most desktops don't include a floppy drive anymore? Maybe we should go back to something more basic like a hand writing with a pencil to mean 'writing data/save'.

Back in '93/'94, I brought a CD copy of Retrospectacle to Bay Bloor Radio in Toronto to do some speaker testing and the salesman being really impressed by the depth and breadth of the audio (instrument selection, audio quality, etc.) but having no idea it was Dolby. He also thought Thomas Dolby was a one-hit wonder

What, no intergalactic car wash jokes?

If my Farah Fawcett poster burned in a house fire....

To be precise, you have Oreos - which has a dark side, a white middle, and another dark side.

That is the first thing that occurred to me when I read 'tortured characters'!