
Now, just before the tallest part of the ship passes under the bridge, I want everybody on the ship to jump as high as they can at the same time... 3... 2... 1...

@KevinOpp: That was my first thought... I feel good!

So what kind of mileage do you get with that thing?

@Gruvnor: "porn" and "don't use any protection" in the same post just doesn't bode well....

Duct tape!

And it's now gone...

Now somebody install OS/2

Did anybody care for Crusade (B5 spinoff)?

Maybe it's time for somebody to reboot Space: Above and Beyond?

@Canon7D-Fanboy: There were together in Once Upon A Time in Mexico (with Banderas and Depp).

Now that she's pregnant, she won't need any iPads for the next 9 months.

If they don't stop using the software, the next time a civilian is killed, their family has a slam dunk lawsuit since the government knew the software was faulty and continued to use it. Best put it on hold, get the real software from IISi and fix it.

What, nobody commented on the Electra complex... who's Volt's daddy?

Doesn't The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (not the work of fiction, but the electronic book inside the work of fiction) belong on this list?

1970 Chrysler Newport, gold paint and black fabric interior.

@geekymitch: Unlike Tim Robbins' character, Daniel Collins didn't come out smelling like a rose.

The supply sargeant was probably scratching his head when the order for an "air tank" came in from the Russian Navy.

@thelastnamehere: I'm recalling Dan Tana had one in his T-Bird on Vega$.

@Jon: I just mean that if he wasn't allowed to own a machine, then somebody else's machine was used and therefore they should have a password. If they didn't, you could argue they gave him a machine, resulting in him violating the ban.

If he was previously convicted of having kiddy porn on his computer, wasn't he barred from owning his own computer as part of parole?