
I'd be okay with it, as long as I could tether my n800 to it for internet connectivity. In other words, it's a phone and a 3G modem.

Is a parachute part of the standard equipement?

Now they can re-shoot the Cantina scene of Star Wars with Han Solo's gun sitting on the keyboard over the table. "Solo, you won't impress me with a flipping computer scr.. ".

At first I thought "This is the coolest flight simulator I've ever played". But later, I started to suspect something was amiss from the strange haircuts my colleagues were sporting at work.

@Time Pilot AKA: I agree... I liked it enough to buy the DVD collection.

@esbaird: I miss Studio 60...

Had to mention the 1st scene in Monty Python's Meaning of Life: The machine that goes "Ping!", and how the mother does nothing, because she's not qualified!

@TrampaOnline: It might have been #3 that drove her to drink one night, resulting in #4.

But does it support vi commands?

@trinity847: Better than a museum releasing 100 pigeons... the statues would never be the same.

@doublefourvalve: To paraphrase an English bumper sticker seen on an MG: The parts falling off this MiG are of the finest Russian design.

Ship Designer's Log: Note to self - change high-gloss wood floor to rubberized surface... or buy rubber hip waders for all guests so they don't slide across the floor when they fall on their a**.

Does he still eat chocolate covered sugar bombs, and would he watch reality TV Saturday mornings to make his brain rot?

The hydrogen balloon industry is about to take off (no pun intended)... except at birthday parties, what with all those burning candles on cakes...

@gemcosta: For a second, I thought that was a typo and you meant "patent the parenting process"

Having QNX as its OS gives me more hope for this product than OS6.. it already has years more stability data than any other mobile platform.

@Terberculosis: They tried, but you were to drunk to tell them why you found yourself so charming. :-)

Nice reference to Jaws in that title... RIP Roy Scheider