
@girlsaregeeks: I am too... or at least, I was, or will be... I can never keep them straight.

The sadist in me wants to 'stretch' the theme song to Chariots of Fire

@corpore-metal: You're right, and I think this is why ST:DS9 got better in later series - good 'ole sci-fi space battles and less soap-operatic writting.

What nobody is admitting is that they've made reams of the stuff, but nobody can find it.

Don't forgot Mark Twain in ST:TNG (can't remember the name of the 2-part episode).

This care has the worst mileage ever...0 Miles Per Gallon (of ink, that is).

2 thoughts - any landing where the plan is reusable afterwards is a good landing (this one, not so much). In every challenge between a plane and Mother Earth, Mother Earth has yet to lose.

@Jimbo Collins: I think I'd just take the puzzle and bash the other guy's head in with it. Much more efficient time wise, and then you have 2 guns.

@Galvarez: If you're ready to play Russian Roulette with a single shot gun, I'm ready to place a bet on the outcome.

Pope John Paul II was in New York for an address to the United Nations. His limousine was caught in traffic, and he was getting anxious that he'd be late. Having grown up in Warsaw, he considered himself a good negotiator of traffic. So, he insisted on driving to the UN and switched places with the chauffeur.

@acoom: Very true... I wouldn't know, but let's compare the size of Alberta to any province in Europe... it's about the same size as France.

Is it just me, or do "Karaj" and "Garage" sound suspiciously similar?

It's a galactic game of dodge ball (star)... now, who's going to catch or dodge it?

I enjoyed reading about Imrryr from Michael Moorcock's Elric Saga.

@Doinker: David Lee Roth would like to trade his DJ career for something better

The calculation to come up with 42 minutes to travel must one interesting piece of calculus, because the pull of gravity would be constantly changing was you went forward.. as the gravity slowing you down increased with every foot of travel into the whole as more Earth.

How do you tell the difference between a geo-neutrino and a solar neutrino? I didn't think direction of travel was available, since the photodetectors record impacts of neutrinos. Do neutrinos have 'comet tails'?

Better to be thought the fool (or in this case, the geek) than to open your mouth and prove it.