
Might be less of a shock to the behind on those cold winter mornings... cold porcelain... brrrr

@Reddlemagne: Depends on how many Christians the lightbulb will hold.

Isn't Mugsy the name of the gangster on Bugs Bunny who tried to get Daffy Duck to lay a golden egg?

I'd play Farmville if it would let me plant marijuana crops

Maybe he was holding wrong.

@keymaney: Like you say, luck is part of it. Who's to say that if he stays with Apple, he doesn't influence a decision that ends up ruining the company in an alternate timeline. His leaving might be why Apple survived and thrived.

Ever notice how the Nasa logo and the PanAm logo from the 2001 space plane are pretty similar?

My first reaction was that this was a bad photoshop job to make somebody look like a giant swimmer off the shore of Singapore.

Overheard in the robot control room: Oh man! First I lose an iphone prototype in a bar, now this. I'm running out of industries to work in.

How to Change a Tire - and where. Never on the side of a busy highway (like 401 in Toronto) - it's an easy way of getting killed.

The 1st car I can remember my dad driving was a 1970 Chrysler Newport.. biggest trunk I can remember, and hot as h*** in the summer, thanks to blank nylon upholstery.

The only thing missing is the typist swearing when they make a mistake and have to fix it with whiteout.

@Lonesharkx: There was an article on the use of H2S in the body in last? month's Scientific American, if you're interested.

On the plus side, half the planet would get to party all night long without end.

Duct tape, it's like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.

Lucky she wasn't on a diet, chucked it into the garbage and called him insensitive for sabotaging her.

From the outside, I thought it was the Cylon Resurrection ship from BSG.

Keep the math to yourself! Not because it gives people headaches, but because the minute you share the info, other commuters take advantage of it and completely invalidate your datasets, screwing yourself out of the benefits. (In other words, if you tell everybody about your shortcut, everybody starts using it, and