Stan Sitwell

You rreally have literally no life do you? I'm sitting in bed on a Saturday reading you respond to literally every comment made in your direction, and you do give a pretty good impression of Trump to be honest. I'm assuming that will make you proud, so cool that a presidential nominee can be as stupid and moronic as

Nothing I love more in the morning than a nice hot cup of hoodoo

At a gathering last night friends described another friend who uses this radar app and some sort of IP faker to just travel to wherever on the globe it is most beneficial, I feel like that takes every ounce of mystery or fun out of the game. I am quite surprised most of the commenters say this cheating is just a part

Really? I’m pretty sure Hillary didn’t speak and the highlight of last night to most was Bill’s speech. So they should get stock photos of Hillary rather than a photo from last night, the actual event?

Well did he get sued for ripping off “let’s get it on”? Because he clearly ripped that shit off.

I think he made her more notable without a doubt. As it turns out, she didn't need it, so in that respect I don't think he made her famous. But she literally can not claim that the fiasco made her more of a noteworthy person. She just happened to realize she could make pop music better than those who were doing it and

Might want to take off your Taylor swift glasses then

So you chose to not ride to work one day because this game came out? That is crazy town to me. How long will it take until the streets are considered safe again?

As a non Pokemon nut who is playing the game for shits and giggles, I’d like it if this whole egg hatching business could just take the walking data from my phone so I wouldn’t have to have the app open to get those Ks done.

“Racist America” I mean victims of racist America because we all know that black people are the “real” racists

This makes me feel less awful for people blaming a mistake a coworker recently made (she’s due in 2 months I believe). Train me on a long process, then immediately after email me a “hey we’re going to take care of this after all”, and the following week reveal that email meant specifically not doing one of 9 parts of

So why did you say “woke” then?

A for effort on trying to smear someone you truly seem to hate. It’s like you saw that he understood how his view came off, and decided to pretend he didn’t and act holier than thou for inferring it.

I just don’t see the need for this for personal transportation. If they want to build separate lanes for trucks and have them autopilot, fine. I just don’t think we need to live in a world where some cars have people paying no attention and are relying solely on sensors to keep them and everyone around them alive

I was holding out hope that the employee actually treated them like shit or something but nope, no reason at all in the way they acted

Yeah I don't understand what this service really does for you, is it too hard to buy a thing of pepper, garlic powder, coriander, etc and portion it out for yourself? If you don't have time for food shopping, this isn't that because you only are getting the foods for these specific meals. I'm convinced these monthly

Or how difficult is it really to buy a thing of cumin and measure out a teaspoon? I don’t know that it’s much more expensive than buying foods and cooking recipes without someone putting it all together for you as though you were a child, but I have to assume that’s the case.

Well I don’t know about that, I though I read it, I didn’t see teens complaining they were busted for pot while not actually having pot...

I think a slight risk your baby gets a taste of Zinfandel is very different from your baby getting a taste of that sweet sweet nose candy, do you agree or anything that makes you not sober is equally evil?

“No” as in “no, I’m not outraged... Why would this outrage me? Oh because there’s nothing else to be outraged about and daily outrage is the only one true measure of living today?”