
Taken at her word, Harris is exactly what America needs.

Never underestimate the darkness in the heart of your fellow man. For real 63 Million Americans heard every fucking word Donald Trump said & decided he needed to be President. Bolsonaro and Trump are two vile & disgusting creatures. We have less then 17 months to correct this mistake. For real the fate of the world

I LOVE this. Pragmatic Progressive - it’s what many are when you want to change the system but also know there are assholes a-plenty. Sadly there’d be some in the woke-off who’d see pragmatism as undue centrism/capitulation. 

“OMG He supports something remotely achievable like a public option, he is essentially a mix between Trump and Hitler”

Like, we can’t even pass a goddamn federal tax increase, and they are talking about tuition-free college and single payer healthcare as if it’s something a president could wave a magic wand at and get the day after the election.  I’m so tired of this shit.

one of those undersized little charcoal grills sitting over in the picnic area

For me, it’s pragmatism. I cannot in good conscience aspire for some “revolution” when I know that revolutions put people like me on the front lines. The typical berners who call people like me “low-info voter” for not buying into Bernie’s vision? They won’t suffer. And don’t even get me started on the Susan Sarandon

Why are we acquiescing to these assholes by calling them “white nationalists”? They are white supremacists, full stop. They wrap their message up in slightly softer language than the klan but in the end, they are supremacists. If they truly believed their drivel about making a safe space for the lily white babies,

I think the biggest problem is that they can't hide their pettiness and wear it on their sleeve. They don't like Beto because Beto appeals to the same college age white people Bernie does, only, ya know, he's charismatic and combs his hair. They hate Obamacare because it doesn't personally help them. Splinter is a

I’m no fan of Beto, but their piece on him that claimed he Wasn’t Really Punk was a thinly veiled temper tantrum about the fact that he raised more money than Bernie.

That’s the one you had a problem with? I screamed at Elizabeth Warren saying Ase.

I once sat in an auditorium for a memorial of black life. People spoke the names of those that were lost to structural violence. These two white lesbians in the back row shouted, “the slaves” and thankfully my reaction was tears cuz I was

All I’m saying is that I wish the Prop 4 supporters had prepared better for the level of pushback they were going to get from a dude in the gubernatorial chair who was shown in his campaign commercials to be teaching his toddler son to say “build that wall”.

This whole thing stinks:

I don’t disagree with any of your definitions beyond the attribution of ‘woke’ to the last two groups. ‘Drag on the species’, ‘People that white people apologize for’, ‘People I’m hoping to leave here when the aliens pick me up’, ‘Flat-earthers’ I feel are more accurate.

At least the story has a happy ending.

Yeah, this republican bullshit shouldn’t pass the smell test. There shouldn’t be any monetary requirement barring the way to voting, period. On top of that, there’s no precedent for it on a federal level. Like if a person owes the IRS money, they don’t lose their right to vote until its paid off. They’re so

If sex offenders are unable to vote, they should be unable to be POTUS as well.

Long-time tech worker.  Can confirm.  Still happening today.

I read Bad Blood and the stories of the poor saps who had to try to make her “big idea” work despite the obvious fact it couldn’t reminded me of many sw dev projects I’ve been on whipped into “we’ll do it no matter what” death marches. Folks at the top with no clue about reality yelling at saps who know it can’t be