
There was a moment when the commentary flat out stated that they did not know what it now took to get ejected from the game which hit on such a truth to me.

Is it that the NFL has lost its QB middle class, or is it confirmation bias because we forget the shitty QBs of yesteryear, but today’s are fresh in our mind? To wit:

Haha. I mean, the last few years I’ve become a craft beer nerd/snob, but Yuengling is still best of the worst among shitty, mass-produced adjunct lagers.

I just threw up on my fucking shoes.

I just threw up on my fucking shoes. Do you see what we let happen, people? The philly fans are smiling. GREAT JOB everyone.

I agree 100%. Looking back at the response to/handling of the 2008 crisis, there is plenty to second-guess and criticize. But at the time, there was at least no doubt in the financial sector that Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke, and even George W. Bush were adults who were going to try to make good choices and do what was

Of course, but Donald Trump’s election says more about the electoral college than it does about the collective judgement of the American people given that more of them voted for Hillary.

That’s a lovely idea, except a very large chunk of the population cannot even come up with $1000 in an emergency, much less pay off debts.

No, they really believe it. As Pareene perspicaciously pointed out, Republicans used to sell magic elixirs to the public, but in doing so, they raised a new generation of Republican officeholders stupid enough to actually believe the bullshit that the Republican leaders of the past at least understood was bullshit in

When our system elected Donald Trump, there is no faith left.

The stock market has already valued the corporate tax reduction yet to be passed by Congress into the price of stocks. If the bill becomes law, there will be further increases as the late-to-the-party crowd buy. Professionals will take their profits. The value of the tax decreases will have been realized. Then there

The “american people” voted for Hillary Clinton though.

They don’t believe it’ll help the economy one bit. As thick as they are, most of them are still bright enough to realize 40 years of Reaganomics has shown what a fucking joke it is.

I’m getting to be an old, and I remember 2004, which was when the economy was starting to show signs of trouble, but we just kept chugging merrily on, buying houses with mortgages that were insane, borrowing to buy Hummers, and signing up for piles of student loan debt, possibly from your local ITT technical college,

“In the next few years, we’re either going to have an economic recession (like we do roughly once every ten years...”.like we do every time the Republicans gain any modicum of power over the economy.

When the shit happens, it will happen so fast that we can barely grasp that it’s happening, but the aftermath will be so slow that we have far too much time to take in what happened.

Good thing both parties are the same right guys?

It usually takes a while for shit to really get bad. As the sayin goes, it’s not the fall that hurts, it’s the sudden stop at the end.

That certain puts a new light on the focus on North Korea’s weaponization.