
The Athletic reminds me of The National, the daily national sports newspaper that hired a ton of excellent writers and just didn’t make enough money because even an avid sports fan can find enough interesting free content that they don’t need to subscribe.

They’re disrupting the newspaper model by hiring writers while losing money.

This aspect totally ruined the story for me. BUY SOMETHING! Don’t shit in the alleyway (unless you’re part of the above-mentioned plot to buy New Orleans after riding Sexy Rexy’s NUCLEAR HOT STREAK taking the Colts +3 ). Men!

Same thing happened to me last week. Had something bubbling down below so I stopped at a gas station on my way to work in a not so nice neighborhood. I go in and ask for the bathroom. While I wasn’t informed it was customers only, it was strongly implied. I do my business and I get out and realize this is one of those

This is when you drop $5 for a quick shit and always-okay Spicy Italian, my friend.

D.C. also has shit Mexican food.

I fondly remember the humble beginnings of PFTcommenter on KSK (rip), it was obviously (very funny) satire, and when he went on SBN, holy crap did the morons over there not get it.

It feels weird that PFT Commenter is a media personality now and his actual name isn’t publicly known

I get defensive only at the concept of group responsibility or group guilt.

It’s hard for men to jump into the conversation, just as it’s difficult for, say, white people to engage in discussions of race because, well, no one really wants our opinion. I’d love to take a baseball bat to every asshole that’s ever laid a hand on someone without their consent, but that’s not really a long term

-Start shaving with sideburns and neck, moving from left to right. I do mustache last. (NOTE THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE SHAVING MY HEAD WHICH I USE AN ELECTRIC RAZER FOR AND WHICH IS MUCH MORE ANNOYING)

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

I can’t believe this needs to be said but: You ALWAYS turn the shower back to bath position because whomever reaches in to turn it on the NEXT time get’s blasted with either scalding or freezing water! IT’S COMMON DECENCY!

 the family guy had a tired joke in it? whaa?

and yet you took the time to post about it.

The Steelers and Penguins have won multiple championships since then, while Atlantans will be haunted by 28-3 for the rest of their lives.

As an Atlantan, I wish I was from Pittsburgh.

As a petty and vindictive Pirate fan who was 10 years old at the time and cared about baseball more than literally anything else in the world, that’s the most likable thing I’ve ever read about Barry Bonds. I hope he’s just as spiteful towards Bream.

Glenn was probably doomed anyway. He was isolated from the virus on the island, and it is unlikely that he is immune.

Hey! People left the show without their characters dying!

Despite rumors, nothing is flatlining. Everything is fine. It’s supposed to be like this. Everything is fine. Have you seen these sweet deals? When actually find an article to click, it may not even be an AVC article, and that’s great! It’s totally fine. Just great.