Many building codes prohibit the use of charcoal grills on the balconies of multi-family dwellings (apartments) for the obvious fire hazard, and gas grills are the only option.
Many building codes prohibit the use of charcoal grills on the balconies of multi-family dwellings (apartments) for the obvious fire hazard, and gas grills are the only option.
Charcoal is wonderful, but you know what else is pretty good? Turning a knob, pressing a button, and having a hot grill ten minutes later and then not having to deal with a cauldron of ashes a couple hours after the meal. That’s decent, too.
Hot take: grilling with a propane grill is just like cooking something in the oven, only outside. Use charcoal, Hank Hill. You usually don’t run-out half way through.
He was complaining that Chicago is expensive. He’s from San Francisco, for god’s sake. That alone made me realize how full of shit he is.
Jeez if he was white, he’d have a TLC show and be an Arkansas state senator.
Sure. You don’t like something, you point out its flaws and fix it and make it better. That’s real patriotism. Getting your hands dirty and airing out the dirty laundry. Sitting back with blinders on and blindly believing the USA is “the greatest country on Earth” is not patriotism.
I’m not sure when the military and police decided they had exclusive claim to the American Flag and the National Anthem, but it’s long past time we put them in their place. Kneeling during the Anthem is not disrespecting military service. The Anthem represents our country, not the military. Our flag does not represent…
Yeah, it’s totally suspicious when you respond to a call about gunshots and find people running away and ducking behind cover.
I think it is very amusing that a police department union (A FUCKING POLICE DEPARTMENT) is asking the NFL to investigate something.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: police union spokesmen are the worst people in America.
Come on man, he sounds EXACTLY like Trump.
Pats fan here.
The North Side of my island is being wiped off the face of the earth, the eye wall could hit San Juan, and the USVI and PR could be without electricity or water for months, but I’m glad to know Mark is asking the tough questions
This point is 20 years old by now, but, boxing, horse-racing, and baseball have all held and lost the pinnacle of the American sports landscape. It can happen. Over a long enough timeframe, it will happen to football, even if it isn’t laid low by its immediate issues.
Me - Woah, that header pic looks JUST LIKE Freddie Mercury!
The thing is though, picturing recent events as the result of a white elite maintaining control over a diverse majority is a huge oversimplification of what happened last year. Let’s not forget that the traditional Republican elite couldn’t stand Trump and he had huge difficulties raising funds; the grassroots tide…
Yeah, there was a recent story about how NC Republicans shut down early voting and voting precincts in Democratic districts while expanding it in Republican districts. That results in no wait for GOP voters, and long lines and hassles for Democratic voters (and of course they were found guilty of massive and flagrant…
yes, people have been made to feel that voting is pointless and that it simply doesnt matter in the big picture. But until the bulk of people wake out of this stupor, gerrymander and voter suppression will only reinforce their beliefs.