The worst is using a bag that has a hole you don't notice. Crumbled, pissed-in cat litter is the worst substance on Earth.
The worst is using a bag that has a hole you don't notice. Crumbled, pissed-in cat litter is the worst substance on Earth.
That's why you go to the Pumping Company near Loyola for penny pitchers and college girls!
(At least that was what to do in 1999.)
Viewers would absolutely go nuts, particularly after ESPN fanned the flames with 24-7 debate about it.
As someone with a similar arrangement, the system works.
I'll talk about taking a shit with my wife, but we still don't bust ass around each other. Some mysteries need to remain a mystery.
Ending a popular show is an unwinnable challenge, but this ending poured cold water over the very core of the show's premise. Not to mention they undid all of Barney's nine-season character development in the span of ten minutes.
For sure. The best parts of the show were always the one-off comedic ideas anyway: hot-crazy scale, Blah Blah, the musical number with the suits.
"How I Met The Writers' Narrative Pawn"
That scene made ME want to hang myself from the rafters out of depression.
Those are the best. I say nobody does packaged dessert-ish foods like Trader Joe's.
When I went to Austin, they were selling tons of "If Texas secedes from the USA, Austin secedes from Texas" and all kinds of shit that said "We're not like the rest of our state". Isn't Austin within Texas kind of like West Berlin being wholly contained by East Germany?
That or Texans really ARE smug. Drive around and see how many Texan flags you see: it's a lot more Texas flags than American flags. And Texans think they're the "real" Americans!
France took over tons of land, but unlike England, they treated everywhere they took as part of greater France. Algeria had three states with the same status as a French state. You could just go between France and the colonies with ease, whether you were a French person or someone from the colonies. The reason black…
What about Sarah Palin, hockey mom? I believe she named herself arbiter of all things REAL AMERICAN.
You're mostly right, but it's not as if unions are consistently the ones making the relationship adversarial. Unions started due to negative management pressure, and in many places they're still needed to protect against that. It depends entirely on the workplace situation, and you're probably right that this wasn't…
I like how "thugs" is used against both of conservatives' arch-enemies: union workers AND inner-city minorities. So versatile!
good luck Jonathan!!!
Oh we get plenty if American also-rans. They're always very dramatically built up by the announcers as legit contenders only to finish 28th in the qualifying round.
All trade that passes through America is exploitative? Really? Every last bit? If we get so pissy about other nations' freedom, why is that the go-to appeal every time our leaders need to justify a war? I'm not so naive as you to sit there and say America is all good or all bad, but since that juvenile black-white…