
Hard to say. Both are vicious, mean, narcissistic, nut-jobs, and both are dumber than a turd. I think she's crazier and he's dumber, maybe, but when you get to the outer limits of the bell curves for intelligence and narcissism, it gets hard to tell.

They also have that "creepy youth pastor" line.

Looks don't last forever - certainly not as long as a law career. Best have some other cards to play when that one stops being an option.

This is *my* thing. It's seriously, like, my best talent. I'm some kind of car-loading savant. Nobody's taking that from me, damn it!

I've thankfully never been an addict, but oh boy oh boy do I know them. I wouldn't say that I have no sympathy - far from it - it's just more like your sympathy for an addict is no good to man or beast, because an addict is going to take that sympathy and use it to keep being an addict. They will feel awful about

It's a sad thing that I have to tell you: If you try to hug a sheep, it will headbutt you as hard as it can and probably break your sternum.

You are reminding me of this other non-trad I had - and I feel a bit bad posting this, since he was a really nice guy - who insisted, just put his foot down and *insisted* on A) picking his own topic for a final paper, and B) making that topic an exploration of whether aliens built the pyramids. (His conclusion: Yes.

Yup. Most American kids have been taught to write in a way that's "personal." They can't make an argument that's not an autobiography or do an analysis that's anything but reasoning from anecdote. It's really pretty bad out there.

I freaking dread the non-trads. For every one who's amazing (and they exist), there are ten who hijack your class completely. And God forbid you give that student a B. I had a non-trad once take her B+ all the way to the dean. She was a mediocre student, at best, but utterly convinced that she was the smartest person


There's one for that too:

I think you have completely misunderstood the post. I find this surprising. I thought it was quite clear that DangerTits was describing the objectionable language and attitudes of women she has known, both of which she finds frustrating.

Petition to take this case out of the hands of corrupt local officials and turn it over to the Justice Department:

"And also we both had our vaginas out."

There is a petition to have the prosecutor (and mother of alleged perpetrator) disbarred for blatant conflict of interest and attempting to silence the victim:

This can't help her, but it can maybe protect the next rape victim in that town from the protect-my-rapist-kid-and-his-pals prosecutor:

How the HELL is this not all over the news????? How is the Justice Department not so far up this woman's ass that she's crapping subpoenas????

Seriously. Is there a petition?

I too would like to see feminists deal much, much more with the economic and cultural and social penalties for mothers. It's kind of my cause. But even in a perfect society, abortion still has to be a choice. You can't force a woman to bring a pregnancy to term - with all that that implies, physically and emotionally

I have not lived everywhere, but I did live in India for a while. I'm sure that, say, the DRC is worse right now, but India is pretty goddamn messed up.