
He looks like he lost his iron supplements at the Die Antwoord show.

Isn’t the Joker’s new look a bit mall Hot Topic? A bit basic? The tattooed anti-social look is everywhere. Marilyn Manson circa 1990-whatever, which is to say not nearly as scary popular as he used to be.

“Joss Whedon Bummed That Marvel Brought Agent Coulson Back From The Dead”...

I think it’s time we all just came to terms with the fact that Joss Whedon is a moon-faced assassin of joy.

Transformers. I have hard time getting my friends hooked on IDW’s phenomenal comics because of the movies. I literally have to bribe them with stuff so they would read the first volume. After that, they’re hooked. :D


Thanks Brad. Now I have to explain to everybody that the book was both good and nothing like your movie.

Is there a question?

I fucking hate this kind of shit. Don’t just make a character gay just to do it. Its super insulting to the intelligence to have a character who was anything buy homosexual, suddenly be a homosexual. It feels like a pander move, which imo is insulting. If you want to have a homosexual character, then create a

You’re completely right, but good luck explaining that to people who refuse to understand what a retcon actually is.

Yeah. I mean, I have a full-run of UXM from 94-544, a complete run of X-Factor, and a complete run of the adjective-less XM book. And I don't remember a fuck-bit of "coy" in there. The closest thing might have been him getting all fucked up when he got all mind-swapped mind-controlled whatever by Emma way way way back

I’ve been reading since the 80’s and I’m gay.

I’d be interested in some caps/explanations as to the clues you found?

This is a weird retcon.

Here’s the problem with that thought - its simply not true. We have seen his internal monologue for decades and decades. This is my its very definition a retcon.

A retcon is when they retroactively change previously established facts and treat them as if they’ve always been that way. This is the definition of that. There is no requirement for them to change everything. In fact, if they change everything, it’s a reboot, not a retcon.

Wait, hold on... "being coy about it for decades"? In what way? Please, enlighten me, because I've been reading X-Men for 30 years & never saw it. I mean, I don't care either way, but considering that we've read about a number of his relationships, especially in X-Factor with Opal. I never saw any "coy". Are we just

This is a pretty strange retcon.

From the scenes, the B-Wing definitely looks like a single prototype, which puts its deployment in ROTJ on the right timeline.