
From the scenes, the B-Wing definitely looks like a single prototype, which puts its deployment in ROTJ on the right timeline. The A-Wings look like they are gonna get SPANKED, so maybe the line was mothballed in favor of X-Wing development (we haven’t seen them in Rebels yet, right?) then renewed as a support fighter.

Not technically "free" but thank you. This is great for people with Prime. I have Prime. I'm bad at my job :(

Takes iconic Joker photo...doesn't smile...

All I see is some dude with green hair taking a picture.

I'm already sick of hearing about this movie based solely on the amount of coverage this guy's hair has gotten.

I'm pretty sure that those scene were the product of Spielberg, the producer, who was much more hands on for the first movie. See also the scene when Bumblebee first reveals his robot form to the awestruck teenagers, or when Optimus describes the history of the war, or even when Bernie Mac witnesses the glass shatter.

I think the first and third acts were decent, but the second act is AWFUL, specially the scenes at Sam's house and the first scenes with Agent Simmons (BUMBLEBEE PEEING)


It's blue.

And everyone is sure it's not an issue in the movie itself, with two actual coats, one blue, one brown, depending on the scene?

White and Gold.

"If history doesn't care our degenerate friend Frye is his own grandfather, then who are we to judge?" Futurama.

Oh no, he was the hate and belittle everything you like type, so he hated Firefly.

My favorite line was the Trickster saying "Well that wasn't very sanitary" after Barry had the entire crowd share a needle. I didn't get a good look though, it was probably a hypospray lol.

I thought guy-in-target-t-shirt and bearded-grandma-Thor were lame, then I watched the video.... Thing is, I would actually be interested in some superhero themed other (than t-shirt) wear that was affordable, but this just looks like uninspired, Old Navy outlet. I find it ironic that the t-shirts looked the best of

""Stop fucking around. Motors stall, writers procrastinate" Is the best advice ever! Can you take the engine analogy a step further...

You know, M. Night, might have been better if, instead of "our Star Wars," you made the movie, say, like the goddamned animated show?!

Who are they fighting? That green glow reminds me of Radioactive Man...

THIS would solve the mystery.