
In the good old days we’d just force kids to eat shit they didn’t like. Not woke, but keeps them alive and healthy.

Here’s a solution. Take a fruit, you know, those things that grow on trees, you can find them at a grocery. Wash them. Put them in your mouth. Chew. Swallow. “Disorder” solved.

He was skinny, that’s enough for most people to assume he was also healthy.

So am a very picky eater and I knew it wouldn’t be good for my health, so from the age of 12 I started taking multi-vitamins on my own.

For those who don’t understand, being picky is not a choice and I wish I wasn’t.  Food in general causes me much anxiety.

But they never once considered putting him on multivitamins until the damage was irreversible? Like, if the guy was eating one type of meat and one vegetable, they maybe should’ve considered that nutrition MIGHT be an issue.

Republican here. Yes, his old shit was funny. And I feel it’s right to defend famous millionaires because it doesn’t matter what you’re worth, it matters if you are in the right. The problem here is that a person you idolize doesn’t agree with your world view. Political correctness is out of control and destroying

It’s almost like someone already figured out all the business logistics for this kind of business, how to pay employees and how to structure fares in order to make a profit. But shit, they weren’t tech bros, they were just a bunch of blue collar nobodies so that doesn’t count.

This was obviously the intent of both companies. These were never supposed to be full time jobs, but they ended up that way because they were incredibly easy to get with incredibly little over site. 

Exactly. I can pull $20 on any night and that’s only driving for 3 hours or so. It’s great side gig money for me and I actually enjoy it for the most part. It’s just going to screw it up for the people who aren’t full timers.

Workers aren’t forced to work for Uber/Lyft...they’re doing it by choice and they should know what the costs are. Regulating it makes no sense to me, do the law makers realize it will make Uber/Lyft disappear which will actually take income away from people who rely on these gigs to make a living?

And this people is why we cant have nice things. When it started Uber was a side gig for people that already have jobs to make a few bucks on the side. Then a bunch of people decided to do it full time and bitch about how the system doesn’t work as they assume it should. Uber/Lyft didnt do anything to discourage this

It would be nice if the rest of the GMG sites didn’t buy into the “dangerous/problematic” line of criticism so heavily. 

Great piece. I don’t see why people need to fight over whether or not there were black Confederate soldiers. Their existence alone doesn’t prove anything one way or the other, and the fact that even the numbers accounted are such a small percentage of the population shows that it’s extremely limited.

If you share them on TV, Gawker media will make about 500 articles about it before the day's through?

"Dad, I'm a real actress now!" -Allison Williams

That is not how you eat a butt. I am a bear. I know these things.

Is it weird that it's much hotter with Peter Pan?

Did anyone else unwillingly envision Peter Pan getting his/her ass motorboated in this scene? That is ALL I COULD THINK OF.

I don't know about other ladies, because I'm not them, but I've tried a number of times to get pleasure from butt-play and it just doesn't work for me. With as much attention as it's been getting lately, it makes me feel like there's something wrong with me for that too. :(

Is Gawker trying to drive Allison Williams to the brink of insanity? Why are we getting such a deluge of negative articles any time she opens her mouth. Is Denton that worried about her boyfriend's awful website taking away views? I get that it's a stupid scene, on a stupid show. But do we really need like 4