
I wouldn’t be so sure about all white kids getting the same response from law enforcement. If they come from a family that’s had dealings with the police the disappearance will be viewed as typical, even inevitable, of that family, or dismissed as a runaway, or the result of the family associating with unsavory types.

Actually, it is true—local police don’t even have the authority to issue an Amber Alert, and it is not used for runaways or parental abductions unless violence is implicated. From the official Louisiana Amber Alert state website:

Actually, one of the assertions of the book is that white unemployed people are lazy.

I think this is what the talking heads on the news channels consistently miss. The response of someone in the situation you describe being told repeatedly that they are a white supremacist (a phrase that until recently had a VERY specific meaning) and economically benefiting from being white despite being destitute is

There is a world where being white provides you no advantage relative to other races

The problem with your reaction article is the same as the problematic nature of the phrase “white privilege” haphazardly being tossed around - it usually originates from someone with no actual experience living in poor white America. Typically a young kid who grew up in an urban center and was afforded a liberal arts

You’ll type this and then cry about racism 3 minutes lol the extremes

Apollo 13?

They are literally the most educated people in their communities. They are unquestionably the intelligentsia there.

As much as i cant stand right wing nuts (i’m a big bad canadian commie who scorn your guns), there is one thing i dislike even more and it is purely political reviews. The movie wasnt even watched, all that was done here is voicing displeasure with the content. It is like Katie Rife is reviewing America. For non-americ

I wanted to empathize with J.D. I am white, and grew up in a family of healthcare workers, schoolteachers, and blue-collar employees in Cheviot, Ohio

People are too hard on that book. I think JD Vance is sympathetic to the plight of Appalachia/Rural America, with full acknowledgement that he was lucky to succeed.

I found a bit weird the description as “cartoonish caricatures” and “stereotypes” of things which are not literary creations but the author’s own family. Although I haven’t read the book and I suppose it’s possible the movie shifted things more in that direction.

Yeah, rural PA born and raised here and this:

True fact: Amy Adams is 46yo.


This title is likely to cause more panic buying and quite irresponsible of you. Especially if it’s only a few items that stores will have trouble meeting demand for. There’s a place and time for clickbait and this ain’t it. Have some basic decency and concern for your fellow person instead of making the problem worse.

I think the shortage is aluminum cans. Spam is put in steel cans, last I checked.

Personally, I get why I can’t get Diet Dr. Pepper in cans, anymore. But I don’t get why I can’t get it in plastic bottles instead.

I would think that the Spam shortage could ALSO be related to the can shortage...