Now they just need a usable mobile app
Now they just need a usable mobile app
I remember when I studied abroad in high school for a month in Kyoto and Tokyo, the vending machines were awesome. As a high schooler being able to buy beer in a vending machine, I didn't want to go home.
Perfect- thanks! just placed my order. My girlfriend always has this lamp on while we watch movies at night, so hopefully this solves our problem!
Perfect- thanks! just placed my order. My girlfriend always has this lamp on while we watch movies at night, so…
When you say you needed to "trim it down" what do you mean exactly? I have a 55" tv on my wall and dont want something sticking out both sides on it. Is that the case, or am I misinterpreting?
When you say you needed to "trim it down" what do you mean exactly? I have a 55" tv on my wall and dont want…
The tough thing is that they are publicly traded and need to continue to add value to their shareholders. So they keep making incremental improvements and are neglecting risky innovation, which is a huge bummer. Thats why small startups are the only ones making crazy new ideas, and then big companies buy those, like…
Kind of funny that the ad I got before the video about exercise, was for Ruffles potato chips
Why do funerals, graduations, etc. last forEVER, but for the end of the world, CNN is able to wrap that shit up in 60 seconds?
Honestly- where would you even work anything on atheism or religion in on a resume? Just a watermark header or footer that says "When you die, nothing happens"?
Just to be on the safe side of making sure that they don't choose option #3, the option should always involve some element of sodomy
I use Swype when I only have one hand to type, and it is also great on my ipad, but the stock one is my go-to with both hands. My friends and I use Gifs a lot so the Popkey gif keyboard is great too
But over at they offer a different perspective on the story. They cite a petition from a trio of anonymous women — Nicole, Claire and Kat — calling for the retailer to ban the game from sale. The petition, with over 41,000 signatures so far, is labeled "Target: Withdraw Grand Theft Auto 5 – this…
While this office is pretty cool with the exposed brick and what-not, I think I would but a gun to the roof of my mouth if I had zero privacy at work and had to be around people that much. Its bad enough that I am an analyst whose job could be 100% done remotely and even have to come into the office in the first…
I wish I was good at stuff... And things...
"Mob Rules" it was written by an ex-mobster and he talks about the inner social and professional workings of organized crime syndicates. One of the most important lessons I liked from it, is to build up your "web of favors"; every opportunity you have, go out of your way to do someone a favor, so that they will…
Would you say that he saved you from having to live in a Gangster's Paradise?
For me its the cocktails- things smothered in cheese, cream, or sugar are disgusting to me, and I don't like dessert in general. Cocktails on the other hand, are my downfall; they help when family conversations turn political.
wait- THAT'S what that hook is for?! I have been trying to figure that shit out since I bought mine 2 years ago. It's one of those things I have wondered about every day, but never cared enough to look it up
wait- THAT'S what that hook is for?! I have been trying to figure that shit out since I bought mine 2 years ago.…
I mean- there are still pilots for Predator drones.. They have autopilot settings that are about the same as you would find on a Delta flight, but thats about it from my understanding ( I could of course be mistaken)