Srchute Farms88

Its the same as a kid wanting candy for dinner; it is awesome and you want it all the time, but too much is not good haha. I hope they show restraint and keep it at this spot

Honestly they have hit the sweet spot. My one problem with The Daily Show and Colbert Report is that even if nothing funny has happened in the news, its their jobs to take interview out of context and make them funny, 4 days a week. John Oliver doesn't have to grasp at straws, and so you end up with more accurate

Honestly I could not think of a better way to die. If the government put me in a spaceship with 4 playmates and launched me into space with the mission of having as much sex as possible, and then the rocket went rogue and I cruised off into space just bangin' away til the air ran out, I don't think that it would be

What ever happened to the fun, every-once-in-a-while Stoner Channel? It was really cool seeing new vapes, recipes from Andrew T on canni-butter, etc.

If I tried that, everyone would start cheering until they saw half my face was gone and there is a blood streak across the concrete

PLUS- a tv show where Space Jesus goes from planet to planet saving people would be incredible.

As someone who works in commercial retail acquisitions, I am scared what this will do for my industry. The "card not present" interchange charges for online purchases are one of the big barriers keeping many retailers from getting rid of their brick-and-mortar stores and taking most of their services online.

The first half of this video looks like a colonoscopy.

I was so pissed- I was going to jump on that Gizmodo deal for the Phantom drone a week or so ago, but I contacted my local sheriff's office and they advised that I not buy one simply because while it is not illegal right now, there are 3 bills in my area that are in the process of being approved that would heavily

Step 1: don't be in a densely populated city. I am in Cincinnati and I think that that might be even too dense. If I survived the first wave and the mass panic, I would take my bug out bag that I keep in my car, grab my girlfriend whose office is 2 minutes from mine, and drive down to Red River Gorge in KY after

You can't just show that guy and not go into his story

I literally would not have said this better.

This is a terrible tragedy and my heart goes out to all of their families. However, To be perfectly honest- why would Malaysian Airlines fly over an open war-zone where planes have already been shot down. Why would this even be risked by the airline? It is very easy to demonize these Russians, sitting here in

This is because you clearly want to stand out as an electric car owner. I drive a Prius and I LOVE only paying $30 every week and a half for gas, but I bought the car because I am cheap and don't want to pay for gas (I also found a used one that was only $13k), not because I am smug and want to look like a

Jibo's angle and camera feature just seem like it would be a little pervy Wall-E rolling around your house, taking upskirt shots. Also the inquisitive head-tilt staring at your during sex would be 5x more disturbing that my dog sitting there

I'm just gonna say it- "Slingbox" sounds like a girl-version of the Grindr (sp?) app.

HOLY. SHIT. DUDE; hadn't thought of this. Someone please get on that.

Just going to throw this out there: Zooey DeChannel (spelling?) as Leela? Her voice seemslike it COULD fit? I just don't know if you could sell an audience on a cyclops being a legit love interest, if they were to make it live-action.

Pictured: inventor of the Kriegmarine U-boat

The green dots are Yelp recommendations for great Northeastern seafood joints