
This! The first guy I dated didn't get my deadpan sense of humor. He would just look at me, slightly puzzled expression on his face.

Puppy butts! And round bellies! Aaah!

The ears! The nose! The toes! AAAAHHHH!

Yeah... I think that would have been particularly important for Matt Smith, since he's been in so little, but Peter Capaldi has been in so much with such a variety of characters that, rather than tainting it, I think I just got a good idea of his scope (which is considerable. Yay!).

I recently went on an "Everything that Peter Capaldi has ever been in" binge. That was... interesting.

Aww. I can't believe my mom doesn't like pointy dogs.

Reminds me of Patrick Stewart's description of having to suppress the urge to headbut the Queen while he was being knighted.

Is this story 10 years old or is that photograph not related to this story? It's one of the two, because I've had that picture on my computer for at least that long.

It seems like American actors are obsessed with being serious OR comedic. Many British actors don't bother with that division and are just good at whatever they do, and have fun while doing it.

Ok, yeah. There are some very nice and pronounceable names in Welsh mythology. "Silver Wheel" is a very pretty meaning (I think it's a reference to the Milky Way?), even if her story is a little odd. The mythology is pretty fascinating, and I wish I had more of an excuse to devote the time to learn medieval Welsh

I have a friend named Arianrhod. Her last name is hyphenated. I already hate her parents for other reasons but... I'd advise against turning to the Welsh pantheon for inspiration.

As much as I hate to argue on the side of ranchers, I do not think that virtually banning horse slaughter has helped anything. It simply means that ranchers have been forced to ship their horses to Mexico — since Canada has stopped taking ours — where we have no way of ensuring that the abattoirs are humane.

Whoa! This explains the HORRIBLE name Renesmee Carlie Cullen. I guess we can just be grateful she didn't go with Bellward or Edbella.

Here: I did it for you. Aaah! So many glum, patient doggies! They look like my lab when I used to dress her up as a princess when I was little. Actually, if I had a dog now I would still probably dress her up. In a snood. Which I would knit. Aaaah! I need a dog!

I and several other people in another thread agree with you, but oh man, look out! There are trolls in the water.

Ew. Salty bleach lemonade? What kind of sick people are you? Is this a poisonous drink factory? Is there a nearby vat of sour ammonia grape juice?

Hm. I read the headline as "...so cops tease him." I was looking forward to a lighthearted story about amusing cops. Sigh.

It's also nice that she remembered to bring all her makeup and haircare products, not to mention her sewing kit.

You know, Portland is the only town I've been in that is consistently referred to by its airport code.

...I don't know what those words mean.