

Wow, I "Batman Year One" and all day nausea this year. I don't have a car, and I have an iPhone 3G from 2 years ago. What the hell is wrong with people? Even I'm not complaining all over my social networks.

Woah, scrolling down on that page I see a 5870 on the list of "it just works" (lol). I have had a bit of a hankering to try out hackintoshing again. I gave up after all the trouble I went through with the 780i and 750i chipsets for such little gain. I hope it's not particular to the XFX 5870, haha!

I think most Windows solutions need iTunes to work as they spring off the iPod manager and bonjour to function. Otherwise I don't think Apple devices are detectable.

Yes! I love this for actually managing my iPhone. As for quick syncing, I just use foobar2000 with the foo_dop extension.

They tend to be secretive with the information they let out for starters.

Brighthouse (well, TimeWarner/RoadRunner according to speed tests) told me I couldn't change settings on my Modem/Router (we have Lightning here, so they supplied a DOCSIS 3.0 device).

Couldn't you just get the IP from `ping` and `tracert` anyways? I expected browser extensions to come, but ping seems easier in the instance that SOPA removes the extensions from the internet because "HURR ANTI-SOPA".

I believe so.


Eh, Wind Waker was step in the wrong direction, but everything else is/was great.

This update actually fixed the one bug that was breaking it for me! Now I can actually scroll through my notes without any graphical errors occurring.

I can't believe I watched the whole thing and lol'd the way I did.

I liked the controls too, but the multiplayer was pretty lacking.

I agree. After having monitored the memory usage of both Chrome and Firefox on my notebook [ArchLinux i686], with both having no extensions, and found they use the same amount of memory basically. So I went to Surf.

Isn't that feature also in every other mobile OS? That seems a bit monopolistic?

I'm just starting out in college level schooling, so I'm still at home and have access to a wide range of utilities thanks to my dads cooking passion. Sadly, I must do some more clearing up. This issue started with an already health focused diet that I've been on for as long as I've lived at home. While yes the

Well, I'm not OP, but the interest is appreciated. I believe my current sleeplessness is coming from anxiety. I've had this issue for several months (since March of this year) and the doctors in the town I just moved to (I'm still searching for a good primary doctor here) have taken one look at my reported symptoms

I don't think that's a real solution. I actually drink JUST water and eat no candy at all (my diet has been extremely limited thanks to a gastric disorder that's developed). I can still wake up after 3 hours of sleep and stay awake for the rest of the day and well into the next.

I don't think you'd have a problem with more cores in this day in age. A friend of mine upgraded from an E4700 to a Q8400 and he had to update the BIOS [a download via the manufacturer's web site] to accept the quad core, but this board was before the Core 2 Quad series. I feel this is worth mentioning only in the off