
1/10. You got me to replay in some manner.

I couldn't get it working with a fresh Cygwin install. The link you gave us just shows how to use Cygwin as a source when looking for a program to install.

Some people find typing faster than using a mouse...

Now I need a 3DS...

Quality article. Way to get mad.

Changing that to false does the same as clicking the button on the newtab page to hide/show it. So it's "disabled". Anyone can come by and click the button in the upper right and enable it again.

All of these are pretty well known, at least among people I know.

I haven't encountered it since their 2nd to last update on Android, so I can only assume. I have run into one bug, but there was another update so it may have already been fixed.

I encountered a bug where it would start saying "Sync Failed" [when syncing to Google Tasks]. It really would sync, but it's annoying as I don't know when it would be a real error.

Dinosaurs are already on Wake Island, albeit in an extremely subtle way.

They still have a javascript link for the "Web" button on their site. I think that implies they'll have an actual web interface and not just a Chrome extension. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

My 5 year old CPU handles it pretty well...while playing the game through WINE in Linux with ATI drivers. How low does low end need to go?

I've had CM9 since March fore my GS2.

I'll keep wearing them...I have a tiny frame and everything else fits horribly. Though, finding jeans that fit like the picture that's posted is pretty difficult.

I still have a hard drive filled with music that gets used all the time. I actually rarely use any cloud service for music listening. I'm not saying I'm not open to finding new music, just that I'm very satisfied with what I'm currently doing and haven't found a good reason to switch.

Oh the assumptions.

Well, Adventure Time doesn't necessarily have a convention or cultural phenomenon all it's own. It's just a good TV show.

Those feel so irrelevant to me now. They just get shelved and collect dust after one look through. The game content is what's actually get used.

...that will be available for download after the initial launch of the title.

So, how does this work for apples?