
I've had those larger images forever on Android....

Unless it goes F2P in the NOT fremium way.

Note the 'm' at the end of 5870 in my post. I have a 5870 too, it's really nice, but the mobile chipset, in an ASUS gaming notebook, is pretty bad. It gets way too hot, way too fast.

Not so sure about that. A friends 5870m bit the dust not too long after he got it. Then he had issues with a fan breaking, then another issue with the monitor cable, and the HDD. It just seems like a mess.

VOTE: Samsung Galaxy S II

There are servers that ban for the use of RPG's and M320's and such ya know...

It's a pack of new weapons and multiple maps. Then they're doing another pack of maps with new vehicles and something else for this Winter. The time frame is probably from the teams working collectively on the DLC

And that's why there will be servers that ban for use of the M320 and RPG's. On the PC at least there are Metro Conquest servers like that.

Thank god they disappear when the player dies now.

It's not on Google Play yet...

Arch user here, using AwesomeWM and hoping for some proper TF2. I'm curious how they'll handle installing games, and where they'll put them...

Well, direct me to him, because Mew isn't on that page.

There's only 150...

Scissor-switches. You'll be replacing the keyboard, but it's really worth it. There's the previously mentioned DiNovo from Logitech, then there's the on I'm using which a model from i-rocks [KR-6402-BK]. It's essentially the Windows version of the Apple keyboard and very quiet.

Looks more like a Gekko than Metal Gear. Sure the Gekko's had Rex's head part, but that doesn't make them Metal Gears.

As a not frequent beach-goer, it seems weird and out of place to do that. Especially during the day.

You could also copy and paste the link.

The AT&T Galaxy S 2 is equipped with NFC...technically. I have it enabled on my phone right now via CM9 and an extra zip to flash via CWM. The only thing that's stopping phones with NFC is the carrier. I can certainly install Wallet on my phone, but AT&T won't allow it to function quite yet.

That girl....sitting fully clothed on the beach with an iPad. WHY.

I couldn't get into it, except maybe a couple of the game types where a friend and I could get really tactical, but everything else felt rehashed with new skins. I enjoyed the Crysis Wars multiplayer a lot more, despite it being a bit buggy at times. They were large matches with large maps that were nearly sandboxed