
Either he's bad, or the controls are clunky. Lets hope for the former.

I've had my Lachesis [4000dpi, not the "new" 5600dpi version] for a couple years now and it's worked flawless without any troubles. Now my wireless mouse from Logitech [MX610 for righties, not lefties] dropped signal all the time and made not just gaming awful, but using the computer awful. Especially while someone

Is the Water Temple still the hardest fucking thing anyone has ever encountered?

It's odd, so many people complain about backwards compatibility. I've got an early PS3 with the backwards compatibility and I find myself rarely using it, well rarely using the PS3 thanks to my PC but you get the gist. Just like with the "OtherOS" feature, it's not one we'll necessarily use, but it's something we'd

Probably not a lot since they can be daisy-chained.

Well first off, not everything that's transmitted via the bittorrent protocol is illegal. Secondly, there are sites/trackers the government doesn't exactly know about. So they know Demonoid and TPB, but not some of the others.

Watching Fallon play this reminded me of that Family Guy did with Call of Duty.

Holy shit thank you. At first this was going to be a "tl;dr" thing but then I read the first sentence and just kept going.

God Damn. I remember being in elementary setting up a trade of the century (sadly I don't remember what it was exactly anymore) and the very next day, BAM! It was banned from class. I remember getting angry about it since the girls were still allowed to bring Barbie dolls into the class room.

Because we all love the Cartographer level.

Do the same on a different level in Halo 2.

I just clicked "Login" with no expectations and apparently I got in. I've no idea who on my friend list is in this though, lol.

I'm not into the whole BitCoin thing, and to be honest, I thought someone would've been smart enough to encrypt the 'wallet'. The shocker in this story, for me at least, isn't the fact there's a trojan, it's the fact the 'wallet' is not encrypted.

I really hope no one buys this with the "maximum selectable options". It seems like something that would have an Apple-esque price.

Just like RoboticSpacePenguin, I used the Google Voice web app at times. It was pretty useful. Also, I used to bookmark things on my phones homescreen so I'd remember them; I later discovered Instapaper.

I can see OneNote being useful in that sense, but I'm not working where it would be useful [or at all really]. Since there wasn't a useful note recording app, like in iOS, I've been searching for something that was quick and simple. Now that there's an Evernote app, I've signed up for a free account and so far it

Used it, hated it. Haven't tried Evernote on ANY platform and I've been sticking to an app named "notesly free" on my Focus. OneNote wasn't too friendly, imo, on WP7 and I haven't tried the desktop version since I just use sticky notes [real and digital in Win7], email myself, or use Notepad.

Oh damn, I completely forgot about the special versions with 6 mini-display ports. Also, there are HD6000 series that have 4 mini-display ports and a single DVI, the problem is that they are all over $700 [prices taken from NewEgg]. Buying a standard 5870 and 5450 is far more cost effective. Considering that this guy

Which GPU can run 5 monitors at once? AMD introduced Eyefinity for 3 monitors one one GPU with the HD5000 series and Nvidia cards can only really power 2 at once.

It appears that way. Only if it's good though. Many a time have I looked for what appears to be a common image on TinEye and it's returned nothing.