
Currently, I have Antec's P182, but for my next build I'm looking at the Fractal Define XL. It's large, simple, and appears to be quite stoic. That's all I need.

Me too. How odd...

Personally, I have a growing FLAC collection. At home is the only place the bitrate really matters to me with my own collection. For convenience sake, I have CBR 320 or VBR 0 on my phone. I don't commonly listen to music on my phone so it's there when I want to listen to something I can enjoy.

If you're willing to use Foobar2000, or if you already are, there's a plugin called 'foo_dop'. It will let foobar sync music to the iDevice and you can set it up to transcode any format that isn't compatible with said iDevice. When I had my iPhone it was as simple as: Highlight tracks -> right click -> send to iPod

You would think they'd just have those monitors up that the president uses with the scrolling text, but in the back of the room.

wow, where has EFG gone, it's been a while since I've seen him

You know they could have been defending the 'Anonymous' collection from 4chan since that is the most common chan...

Well, the line from "V for Vendetta" is a modified version of what Jefferson said, but yes.

Where would we be without Thomas Jefferson.

Not saying the P4's were bad, just saying that I thought most people had a Core 2 or Core 2010 in this day in age. All of which are obviously more powerful than the Atom.

It was my understanding that most people had a Core 2 {Duo,Quad} or Core 201{0,1} by now. With the obvious exception being most offices rocking the P4's.

Wait now, which netbook is more badass than most desktops?

It's not that we even want it. It's that one console is getting it.

I hope they keep that sound they make when you shoot them. Though, even with this incredibly accurate speculation, you have to wonder if they've kept the end result the same. Will we get the Stealth Camo? Or Yoshi Camo?

They really can choose to reveal however much they choose, the companies that is. It's just a trade show that gets covered by the press. We could go back to the dark ages of just watching TV or reading magazines and seeing what games or consoles are about to come out if any at all.

I agree with all of this being in the game, and I don't have a 3DS.

Oh man, you mean it's not retailing for $60? FANTASTIC. The price would be the thing to keep me away from this, besides my dead 360 of course.

Is it bad that this is the last good Spiderman game I remember? I know I played the second movie tie-in and that was okay with the fact that your web actually had to hit a building to 'work' just unlike the cartoons.

Also talking to someone while moving.

I like what Kinect has spawned in the homebrew world, but not for gaming. I still see motion gaming as partially gimmicky, though I do admit for some titles [casual mind you], it can be quite fun.