
I'm just pulling from what "OnLive" is doing. It's essentially the same, except the offsite device is the Wii U and the controller is the newly announced controller.

Or lets you take the new controller with your and control the console over the internet...hmmm

I've heard it would be based off the R700 [HD4000 in general] or R770 [HD4670 or HD4870].

Did you expect hyper-realism from 2004 and the PS2?

You talk about the physics as though there's no such thing as PhysX. While yes, it's not hyper-realistic liquid physics [like with floods], it does help do some nice physics type things in game. By that I mean, cloth physics with wind, some particle physics on the water [nothing too extreme], dust particles [also

...and no system requirements. Still, my wallet is climbing out of my pocket and ripping dem bills out in excessive excitement. I can't wait for this game.

Can you explain some of these bugs? I haven't experienced any bugs on my Focus.

What they need to work on is snagging larger artist images. The images look great on the Live Tile and in the Marketplace on the desktop, but not in the Music + Videos hub. Some artist images can be crisp and clear, which is great, and others can be really distorted and pixelated which can make it an eyesore to use.

I'm sure you would love "Tank Men" on newgrounds.

FANTASTIC. I'm always using 'define:' so this is a perfect extension for me.


That's disheartening to hear. I was thinking of Debian for this; I guess I'll stick with Windows. It'll make it easier for those not accustomed to Openbox to operate it at least.

Great link! I had a hunch it was going to be the budget GPU's and ION that would be suggested. I just want 1080i and 720i [the TV doesn't support progressive scan, but it was free so I can't complain] and possibly Hulu/Netflix.

I've been thinking of building an HTPC for the living room, but I've only built computers for gaming. What components should I look at? I know that nvidia's 7-series were great for HTPC's with a video smoothing feature they had, but I'm not sure about today's parts for strictly media.

We also need an 80's mode.

Carry the physical card as a backup and not run into this problem?

Most clients have a WebUI that can be enabled via the settings. You can set that up and see if you can access it out side of your home network. There are also a couple Jailbreak apps that monitor uTorrent.

Didn't North Korea have a some "Red Star" Linux distro?

Should probably rephrase that as "practically no normal person actually cares about FLAC on a mobile device."

Great! Out of curiosity, I picked up my WP7 and tried it. It works there too! Though sometimes it'll just enable "caps lock" instead of giving you just the one character. It didn't happen too often in the time that I tried it out.