
It's a code name. The February update didn't have a name, the next update [with copy and paste] was "NoDo". This one is Mango. For all we give a shit the next one could be called "T-Rex". Next you're going to tell me you got mad that the Game Cube was code-named "dolphin" and the Wii was code-named "revolution".

Exactly, though the only thing I LOVE physical CD's for is getting a flac copy from the disc for archival purposes/home listening. I just transcode and sync with my mobile device.

This same thing pisses me off in the music industry. Why should I get different bonus tracks if I buy the album from Best Buy? From Target? From Hot Topic? From FYE?

Except I did meet and date that person for a good long while.

Cannot comprehend lack of comprehension for personal preference. Though, I am a Pidgin user and have used Adium when I was hackintoshing and converted some Mac-using friends to Adium. It's really snazzy.

$50 it is then.

The 6950 appears to handle itself just fine with your resolution in games such as: Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Alien vs Predator, Dirt 2, Lost Planet 2. You would see some improvement. As much as 76% improvement on average with a second GPU. If you feel unsure about it, you could buy everything and a single gpu and

"light workstation" as in no rendering or photo/video/audio work? MS Office and the like? You could get away with an i5-2500 [or i5-2500k if you want to spend the extra for the unlocked core multiplier]. I can't recommend the i7-2600[k] since it's that much more expensive for just hyperthreading [each single core now

I could swear they were running out of ideas by the time they made Vanillite....thank god it's awesome though.

I actually found this a couple days ago while in a hotel. It's fun, can be a bit frustrating at times and I don't think it's worth my money.

Well, I haven't been on PSN for quite some time now. I haven't updated the payment info since I moved so I think I'm pretty safe from this.

Ya, I remember running Vista and getting an RSOD. Also in an early build of Windows 7.