
Looks like I have to drop $130 if I want to replace my fatty DS....

That's a mighty big speculation that I kind of hope comes to fruition. It's a damn fine idea.

For what both offer, I think Multitasktures wins. If I recall multiflOw costs money, this is free.

Wow, could have used this a year ago. Ended up using a friends domain to host my little school project.

As a guy that's been wearing skinny jeans for years, I have to disagree. Personally I haven't noticed a difference in my energy levels from when my "skinnies" are in the wash I and only have a regular pair of Levi's.

Epic track playing too.

I hear that, bro. I've got a pair of skinnies that naturally formed a hole in the knee and I only paid ~$20 for them. Take that extorting fashion designers!

There isn't an "explorer.exe" included in either of the packs I've tried from here [Elune and this one]. There is an "explorerframe.dll" but I've already edited mine to use themes.

My forward and backwards buttons never change with these themes. Thta's the only thing keeping me from using them.

Ha! I'm on Spring Break, I'm supposed to goof off! Anyways great scavenger hunt, I had some fun.

Nice setup. I'm more concentrated on upgrading from the Core 2 CPU. Right now I've got:

Well that eliminates the "Why the hell do you have so many?" question. Now, out of sheer curiousity, what's in that gaming PC?

I've got my Desktop and 2 laptops, but in the house there's 2 more computers that belong to my parents. There's about to be another for storage and backup purposes.

I like it too, but only sometimes.

I'm just waiting for the DS Lite price drops. I have an original NDS, but I think it's about time to upgrade to something that takes up less space.

I've got my PS3, and before it died, my 360 in my bedroom. I live with my parents, so a console in the family room would just disrupt their lives way too much. I also have my PC in my room, since their computers are in the "office".

Yup, came out around December 17th, 2010.

Mine isn't doing that. Oh well...


Were you able to change your forward and back buttons? Mine didn't change.