
Were you able to change your forward and back buttons? Mine didn't change.

This is great news, considering a friend of mine claims that he doesn't have the bandwidth for Steam games and Skype at the same time.

That's rather fancy. Would you mind telling how you accomplished that?

AT&T already started losing the money I pay them. Regardless of what confirmation the bank and myself give them, they just say they never got it and kill cell service. Hello Verizon.

Except Thunderbolt is an Intel produce.

When I was living the dorm life, I'd just pick something from my library in the hardcore genre and play it loudly so I'd get up and turn it off before everyone got angry.

Wow, today has been a day of overlooking and slow thoughts for me.

I don't have sources to quote, but I have been reading rumors that DX11 will be patched in later as you said. I've also read that with this delay, they'll be optimizing the DX11 in some fashion.

I don't have a screenshot, but I noticed that when it first rolled out they had "Hit Shift+Enter to get a new line", or something along those lines, right under the text entry box.

I'm waiting for a fully 3D Pokemon world with no use of sprites. There's only so much you can do with sprites. I can picture a top down kind of thing like Alien Swarm on Steam and a battle sequence similar to Final Fantasy or Pokemon Stadium.

I know just what you mean. I've used all 40Mbps of my bandwidth updating Ubuntu and Arch.

Not all of us require those features on a keyboard. Just saying you don't need to spend so much money just for mechanical keys.

Or just go to your local computer recycling place and buy a Model M and not spend anywhere near $100. A friend of mine has a few Model M's that he's refurbished thanks to the local comp-cycle.

I personally just love freedom with devices. Piracy is a side effect for most of the community, sadly. Well, also region locking and region-specific games.

I think it'd make for a great article. Though, when you're at the point when you're considering a different Window Manager or Desktop Environment, I think it's best to get a VM running and try them out yourself. It's what I did for my first install of Arch; got my bearings, got comfortable and found out how much I

To add to Whitson's response. If I recall correctly, if something happens to the Windows partition, then the WUBI install won't boot. At least, that's what happened to me when I tried out Wubi, and then never looked at it again.

I've got Ubuntu on my desktop and Arch Linux on a notebook. Out of the two I learned A LOT more from Arch. Just with the install and how little it gives you after the install and then what you realize you can do with it. I would put Arch on my desktop, but why fix what ain't broke?

Neither mine nor my parents accounts have been dicked. Radical.

Extremely off the wall, but slightly possible. Though, I don't mind the low resolution. I'm not using it for anything that would require me to have an ultra high resolution.

I wouldn't ignore it if I were you. Imported the Black version and got Victini during the Wi-Fi event and I gotta say, it's a DAMN good Pokemon to have in your party. I'll be getting it again when I get the US version. What's great is that you just have to get to the harbor town [4th or 5th town].