
@Bakeroo: You mean Bandage Girl?

@ku1185: Jolicloud is fantastic, but I just use Ubuntu now, it seemed easier and more open. If you don't feel like doing a lot with the OS [ie: just web browsing and simple tasks as such] then Jolicloud would be the better choice. Similar to Jolicloud is Ubuntu Netbook Remix [UNR]. It's similar except that Jolicloud

Looks pretty interesting. I hope that TBA turns into a "coming soon" that actually means "soon."

I started playing it, got to the first real boss and cried a little. After words, I used up so much time running around the town and wrecking everyones day that I just got bored and stopped playing it. Though, I am curious what they can bring to the table that would draw me in.

@Dabamasha: I drive an automatic, and my friend drives stick. I've never driven stick, but I don't think it would do me good considering my ease of losing focus or forgetting simple tasks.

But we need Google +2 to find all the good porn and finally defeat the pop-ups

Awesome! Cause I'm looking at the Focus. Does anyone know about the Samsung Captivate on AT&T? I'm also looking at that as my next upgrade.

Not a single Deal, I went to a LAN at a friends house.

I'm not doing the whole black-friday thing. Everything I'd like is not on sale, and besides that I have no money. By the way, at Walmart, there's no pros, and the con is happening right now even though the sales haven't officially started.

Any word on price drops on the 11" MBA? the 13" in the Aussy site is the only one of the two that gets a price drop.

@brandonjhall: Tried Digsby on my parents old computer when I visited and forgot my notebook. It slowed it the hell down. Pidgin, not so much.

I tried this, installed it [in Ubuntu 10.10 x64] and it did not work at all. Well, it did, after I manually installed Burg through terminal. Now with Burg, I'm troubled since at my native resolution, the circles come out oval...any way to make it display properly on my widescreen monitor? It does work when I set it to

@Philip Wilson: I'd try it again if I were you. I installed it fine just now on my machine with the same two OS's. I haven't actually installed BURG yet, but the manager runs to say the least.

So how does 4.2.1 treat the iPhone 3G? Awful? or like 3.1.3?

@Aibyouka-kun: Ha, true, very true about the Ikea products, though sadly I haven't had the pleasure of working with Silverlight or diving into it's innards yet [I know some Java, JScript, C, C++, Perl, Obj-C though, haha]. So I can't exactly empathize.

@iFarbs: Yup, rockn' on my Linux box with my Q6600 @ 3.0GHz transcoding on the fly. Just gotta have the right codecs installed [not sure about Windows though]. The only thing that doesn't work too well is rewinding, but that doesn't bother me too much.

@Aibyouka-kun: They did tout the fact that you could play an XBL enabled game on your PC, take it to the 360 and if you need to go somewhere and have time to blow, on your phone as-well. Though I could be thinking XBLA.....Silverlight would be good at that....right?

I do this with a media server and my PS3 already. It's really nice to not have to convert the 8GB+ MKV files for a once in a while view.

@Mujtaba Meher: Thanks a ton man, I'll probably be installing it later tonight!

@Mujtaba Meher: What's the name of the theme your using and where can I get it? If I'm going to use this, I'd like to have that theme.