
What's the name of that second theme and how can I get it? If I were to use this, that's the theme I'd use!

@MaxPoint: *sigh* add me to the list too

@fearing: Yes! Especially on my 256KB/s DSL!

@spiderweb1986: That'd be really neat, I hope they allow this. I'll find out in a few when the game finishes downloading for me.

Hey, I'm like 0.3GB away from being able to play this. I just got accepted into the Beta!

@Prosthetics: Regardless of the patch, the 360 + a separate larger HDD still costs more than just getting the 360 packaged with the larger HDD. Something I refuse to give into even with a free game.

I'm in school doing work that doesn't pertain to my major in the slightest. All work feels like fake work, with the exception of the English and Speech course. Since I may need to write a certain way or do a speech at some point.

@Russel Nz: If you jailbreak, there is MyWi, pdaNet, and then you can download the app that Tony Kaye is talking about from a third party and use it :P

@ryszard: Now this is where I have to toss in some oddball occurrences with my auto-suggesting spell-checker. I've typed in words such as "of" and gotten the little bubble above asking if I meant "gnome". That's just one of the oddball errors. I've also typed in "broken" and it gave me "brookehead" or something to

@Richard Servello: I know right! They could've had the gall to substitute the onions and pickles for bacon...sheesh!

@Zinger314: You mad man, you've just started a horrible recursive chain!

I recall being told not to turn off my 3G with the Home and Lock buttons. I hear it's safer to load up a terminal from DevTools and type "su" then "reboot".

@AgentEd: I guess I'll experiment with 3.1.3/2 then....

I'd love to tether on my iPhone 3G, but MyWi causes a bunch of issues for me [cracked MyWi]. When ever I install MyWi and actually get the app started, it works really well. I can tether with USB or make WiFi networks and all of computers [and friends computers] are able to connect. The problem is when I try to access

@mikehart526: After taking a look at my board, I found my Optical out and CMOS reset switch on the side opposite of the analog audio ports. Maybe the attached image will help sway your decision.

@Marand: Quite a bit of information I was entirely unaware of. Still, the only times I ever find myself needing access to such characters are in situations that involve the web browser or the instant messaging client.

I'll stick to Ctrl+Shift+U, that's a bit easier for me.

@subterfunk: Dust gets into cases all the time and just causes insulation; now it's retard easy to clean. Static is always an issue regardless of case. Temp...well, I know jack shit about thermal dynamics, but I believe it'd be fine. I'd do this if I didn't have retarded friends that visit and love to touch

Idk what I'm more surprised about. The Lego Master Chief helmet, or the PanAm shirt.

@mikehart526: My XFX750i has that option, my 780i had the option too [I think], but if we're looking at the same thing, I believe you're mistaking an Optical port for a CMOS reset button.