
@GohanEgret: Will the WiFi actually work? I've still got that old fat DS, so I have no idea if the other models have WiFi troubles. Or if they can connect to networks encrypted with something other than WEP.

@mtfmuffins: I love that computer. A friend of mine has a working one with Leopard on it. It's quite a fantastic little machine. A bit slow yes, a noise making HDD yes, but still a fantastic machine that I wish I could own.

Crazy. I do love this app, and how well it works, especially in a crowded mall.

@AcidCrownie: My question is when will I be able to not need a Windows partition or WINE for TF2 in Linux?

I've loved Chrome since it's release. I remember people putting it down because of its lack of extensions, but I honestly don't use extensions. Though now that there are some, I've found a few that are useful to me. I used to be a big FireFox fan, but Chrome just put the fox down and buried it for me.

Stop making me feel sad about my dead 360...

@DocSeuss: I think it's safe to say, they won't do any better than Halo 2 PC. Oh! Excuse me, they'll up the graphics. How naive of me.

Do you really need this if you have the overhead? I don't think I'd get a noticeable difference from my Q6600, 5870, and 6GB of RAM.

Damn, I hope this hits Cydia if not the app store.

Computer? What kind of specs?

@sarge5: Then what's the fuss with the fact graphics capabilities on these new chips? Was it supposed to compete with nvidia and ati?

@Jus in delicious.: Well I'm also fine with one of them. Then at least, I'd have a functioning console to play with. Instead I have a warranty free paper weight.

Sucks my 360 is both of two things: 1) Dead. 2) Banned.

@Brownski: I agree paying $20 for MyWi is a lot better than paying AT&T for the same service but with added WiFi broadcasting. Though, I can't help but say, "twenty dollars?". Seems a bit outrageous considering it even costs you to upgrade if I recall correctly.

Funny, I usually do most of this stuff out of habit.

The i3 and some i5's have graphics capabilities built into them? It's set up that way on my dad's computer.

I just got so much more excited about this game.

I recall being in my dorm and I found a router named "Can't Touch This" and it was protected with WEP. Well, I'm a fan of BackTrack and decided to have some fun. I went in and changed the name to "I Touched You "There" "

@swc oxcart: Odd, because the switches refuse to work on Chrome, but now work in Canary. This is frustrating. Here's hoping for an official release of the web apps for full functionality.